Raquel Egbuonu, CX Global PMO Lead, shares what it means to bring her “whole self” to work every day

Life Inside Dropbox
5 min readFeb 15, 2019
Raquel Egbuonu

For Black History Month this year, our Black employee resource group (ERG) BlackDropboxers chose the theme: Shades of Black: Inclusion to Innovation.

Shades of Black is an acknowledgment of the incredible diversity that exists within the Black community. Just as a prism holds a diverse array of unseen color that exists within light, Black identity is multidimensional, intersectional, and kaleidoscopic. Shades of Black encapsulates the various backgrounds, stories, and people that encompass the Black experience.

During this month, we’ll be introducing you to Black Dropboxers to learn more about who they are and what the theme means to them.

Q: What is your name, what office do you work out of, and how long have you been at Dropbox?

A: I’m Raquel Egbuonu. I’m a CX (Customer Experience) Global PMO Lead in Austin. I joined Dropbox in June of 2017.

2018 ATX Company Holiday Party

Q: What does this month’s theme — Shades of Black: Innovation to Inclusion — mean to you?

A: The theme for this year is one of my favorites because it speaks to the amazing varieties of Blackness our BlackDropboxers bring to the collaborative culture of Dropbox. The theme represents the different flavors of who we are, what we bring to the table, how we show up for others, and it reflects a strong comprehensive sense of who we are as a community.

Q: Why is it important for you to be a part of BlackDropboxers?

A: This is important to me because the Black tech community is so small. There is something very powerful about having a group of people who have shared many of the same experiences from a community perspective that can understand and relate to you. It is special because there is a natural connection there that provides a safe space to brainstorm and problem-solve in various capacities. The group encourages tackling everyday issues as a collective and is always looking for ways to empower the community.

Q: Was there a time when you felt like you had a unique and valuable perspective to share based on your life experience?

A: All the time! Every day! Who you are influences how you see the world, how you see yourself, and how you do the things that you do. I appreciate that Dropbox encourages us to bring our “whole self” to work and appreciates unique perspectives. For me, this means asking thought-provoking questions or speaking up to ensure decisions are made with everyone included, regardless of level.

Our “We, not I” company value is always top of mind for me. I find that as a Black community at Dropbox, we are thinking about how to make sure everyone feels included, that nobody gets lost, because we know how it feels to be left out or excluded. So we’re always making sure not only that we have a seat at the table, but that everyone is included. As a Black lead, I look for ways to empower everyone on my team to win and provide good examples of how to build up the people around me.

Q: Can you share your favorite Dropbox moment since you started?

A: The Afrotech Mixer definitely was one of my favorite moments. We really showed up for that. It was intimate, people were engaged, and we had some honest and real conversations.

xRaquel on the BlackDropboxer Panel @ the Dropbox AfroTech Mixer

I also really enjoyed the Axe Throwing CX Austin activity last year. It was a great way to connect, laugh, and blow off steam with the team.

CX ATX Team Offsite at Urban Axes

Q: Where are you the most productive?

A: I am extremely productive at 5 a.m. when I first wake up. It’s quiet around me and online, so I can jam away at emails and prepare for my day. That 5–6 a.m. period helps me out a lot — it gets me focused. I call it my “power hour.” I can also get a ton done in coffee shops. I have one near the office and one near home, and for each I try to sit in the same spot and order the same thing each time. When I need to get a lot of planning or strategic work done, or anything related to developing processes, that’s where I go to get in the right head space.

Q: Anything else you want to add about working at Dropbox, your role, or opportunities that have been created as a result of working at Dropbox?

A: DBX not only gives us the flexibility to volunteer, but it encourages us to make it a priority, and I really appreciate that. You don’t feel shamed for wanting to use your volunteer hours. Instead, people support it. The team is always planning various volunteer activities, and there’s something for everyone. Also, I really enjoy the people at DBX. The company really embodies its values well, and you see it in the optimism and collaborative nature of the people. I can honestly say that the people I work with are always willing to drop everything to help. It’s a super unique and authentic experience, and I attribute it to Drew and Arash really bringing it to everything they do, so it just trickles down.

Check back soon to meet more Dropboxers. In the meantime visit us at dropbox.com/jobs.



Life Inside Dropbox

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