Senior technical recruiter Veronica shares how she’s kept diversity at Dropbox at the heart of her role

Life Inside Dropbox
3 min readJan 22, 2020

Diversity is a huge part of our culture here at Dropbox. And much of our diversity we owe to our sourcing team, the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes to seek out candidates who might not currently be in the job market but who would be a great fit on one of our teams. One of these experts is senior technical recruiter Veronica Velasco, who shared with us how she kept diversity top of mind (and heart) as a sourcer, and in her new role in recruiting.

Can you tell us a little about your background and journey to Dropbox?

I actually came to Dropbox doing sales. Initially I was in business development. From there I made the switch to sourcing for about a year, and then the switch to technical recruiter.

What was it like being a member of the sourcing team? And why did you enjoy being a sourcer?

The people on the team were what I really loved about being in sourcing. Everyone is extremely collaborative, and they were always willing to help me. Since I came from sales into sourcing, I didn’t have any previous sourcing or recruiting experience. However, everyone was super great about helping me ramp up and understand the role. All of my teammates were instrumental in setting me up for success within the role and to eventually move into recruiting as well.

How have you seen your team grow or change during your time at Dropbox?

When I was in sales, the sourcing team was less than ten people, maybe even five at the time. It’s grown a lot; now they have around 35 people. We’ve had people from different companies and backgrounds come in, and it’s great to see the growth they’re bringing to the sourcing team. There’s a lot more diversity within the team now, and it’s super exciting that they prioritize that.

How do you think the sourcing team plays a part in diversity and inclusion at Dropbox?

We actually have diversity sourcers who look for underrepresented minorities and women to become software engineers or take on other technical or business roles. They play a huge part in making sure we have diversity top of mind and are bringing in women and people of different ethnicities, representing both leadership roles and contributor roles. We stay informed with different ERGs, and we make sure we know the numbers that are happening within diversity. Aside from diversity sourcing, our managers in the sourcing and recruiting team also have a huge focus to make sure our own team is diverse as well.

Why do you think diversity is important at work?

A mix of different perspectives is necessary in the workplace, and it’s extremely important to the success of Dropbox. We make sure we are representing underrepresented minorities as well as females; since we are a diverse company and we value that, we attract more diverse candidates to Dropbox.

I was born in Mexico, so it’s extremely important to me to see diversity in my team as well as Dropbox as a whole. I really appreciate when our leaders really value people from other backgrounds and ethnicities to bring onto the team, because I came from that background myself. Speaking with people on the team and hearing about their backgrounds and what they had to go through in both their personal and professional lives is really incredible. In any workplace, I want to see diversity and different backgrounds represented, and Dropbox has that.

Want to learn more about how you can bring your unique background and perspective to the table like Veronica? Check out our open positions.



Life Inside Dropbox

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