The Final Chapter Begins

Reasoning Things Through

Mike Mahony
Life Insights


If you have been following along at all you have probably read It’s Final in which I discuss the divorce I recently went through. In this article I would like to discuss some conclusions I have come to as a result of the divorce process.

True friends remain no matter what.

Don’t care too much about the opinion of others because they have no clue what you are going through.

Your ex-spouse will always mistrust you no matter what you do.

Conflict will continue even after everything is “settled.”

People always choose sides even though they have no clue what the real story is.

Certain people inject themselves into your business as a means of “supporting” your ex-spouse. They mean well but they throw a wrench into the process by riling up the ex-spouse.

Even family members cannot be trusted to be on “your side” during a divorce.

I hesitated when thinking about writing this article because I didn’t want it to come off as a whiney list of complaints. There are some very real emotions attached to the things above. Each item involves a certain combination of heart ache, regret, sadness, confusion, frustration, anger, depression, elation, emptiness, rage, surprise and expectation. The amount of each item in the combination doesn’t matter. The fact is that it is what it is.

I want anyone reading this to remember that I am a human being. I have real feelings and real emotions. Just because I’ve been through a divorce doesn’t mean you get to judge me in any way you please. Until you have walked a mile in my shoes don’t pretend to understand what I am going through. I made these choices and I own every one of them, but that doesn’t make it any easier.



Mike Mahony
Life Insights

I am a 30-year technology professional currently serving as the Chief Web Scientist for The Web Scientists, a progressive technology services organization.