Choosing to Be Happy

Why Mind Over Matter Does Work

Mike Mahony
Life Insights


We all make thousands of choices each day, some voluntary and some involuntary. Being happy seems to be a choice some people just forget to make. It brings to mind for me the question of who is responsible for our happiness. Is it our significant other, our children, our co-workers, a combination of people or is it us?

Most people are quick to blame someone or something when they are in a bad mood or feeling unhappy. The reality is that they should own their own unhappiness. By accepting personal responsibility for your own happiness you can theoretically be happy regardless of the circumstances. When you take responsibility for your own happiness you soon realize that your happiness depends much more on your attitude than on any external circumstances.

We all experience things that cause us sadness and unhappiness, but it is our response to those things that determines our ultimate mood. We can make the choices that cause us to be happy. I went through a seriously shocking breakup where I found out the woman I was dating had been still dating her “ex-boyfriend” the entire relationship with me. It crushed me. However, I finally chose to be happy again and it worked like a charm.

After making the choice to be happy my mind completely opened to the possibilities around me. Instead of moping around I was more social. I started talking to more people. I actually made 5 new friends as a direct result of my new attitude. This takes a surrender mentality. You have to be willing to accept (not understand) the outcomes you are dealt in life. When you master that concept you will master the ability to control your own happiness.



Mike Mahony
Life Insights

I am a 30-year technology professional currently serving as the Chief Web Scientist for The Web Scientists, a progressive technology services organization.