Man to Man

How to act like a real man

Mike Mahony
Life Insights
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2013


This is your warning. I am about to go on a rant. You may not be interested in what I have to say so feel free to click off after reading what this rant is about.

I am tired of “men” acting like something less than a man. Men who pick on other people when they are in a position to have an advantage, but who back off when they do not have the advantage. This is my man to man talk with all of you men out there.

Here goes…

You want to fight with me? I am not a fighter by nature. However, if you want to fight with me I will defend myself all the way and will show no mercy in doing so. The saying “pick your battles” is especially true when deciding to engage in hand to hand combat with another man. Pick your battles because once you start the fight it will end one way or another.

I am the type of person who won’t back down once you come at me. I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks. If you hit me you’d either better run or be prepared to do battle with me. Certain people may get a free pass because I know of their circumstances, but don’t count on getting a second free pass.

I am confident in my ability to defend myself. Are you confident in your ability to neutralize me? If not, stand down. With that said, what is it like to be a real man?

  1. Real men do not bum rush other people in order to start a fight
  2. Real men fight toe-to-toe with their adversary
  3. Real men are willing to take the beating as well as dish it out
  4. Real men accept the consequences of their actions.
  5. Real men understand that when they start a fight the other guy may end it.
  6. Real men don’t jump another man and later claim his failure to be able to fight back is because he was afraid. Watch out when saying that because the other guy will show you what he is made of later.

Keep these points in mind the next time your anger gets the best of you. Make sure you remember that the other guy probably knows these things already. Be a real man. Don’t try to take advantage. Stand toe-to-toe with your adversary. Make sure you are on a level playing field.



Mike Mahony
Life Insights

I am a 30-year technology professional currently serving as the Chief Web Scientist for The Web Scientists, a progressive technology services organization.