The I-Ching

David Chernow
Life Introduced
Published in
5 min readAug 17, 2023

WEEK SIXTY THREE — Do What Makes You Happy

The I-Ching, or Book of Changes, is one of the most revered Chinese classic texts. Written 2,500 (or more) years ago, the I-Ching is based on 64 Hexagrams which are six-line structures made up of either solid (yang) or broken (yin) lines. Each hexagram is associated with a specific meaning or advice.

I was introduced to the I-Ching by a psychic that I saw almost 25 years ago. Since then, I have used it for divination, and as a way of seeking guidance or advice for life situations.

I have consulted the I-Ching to gather insight into the success of a business, to help sort out family issues, to understand certain personal relationships and so many more of life’s experiences.

Beyond divination or advice and guidance, the I-Ching is a philosophical work. It delves into the ideas of balance, change and the fundamental dualities of the universe. All represented by the Yin and the Yang. It’s unique approach to understanding change and the nature of reality has intrigued thinkers, artists and just about anyone who has delved into its philosophies. It has also been used by Chinese sages, politicians and military leaders as a source of guidance and wisdom, and as a way to assist in strategic decision-making.

So here is how it works. Go out and get an I-Ching book for coin divination, like this one:

First, we are going to craft a question and write it down. The I-Ching oracle does not answer questions with yes or no answers. Your question should be worded in a way that will require an explanation. Here are a few sample questions:

  1. What is the best way to repair this situation?
  2. How long will this situation last?
  3. Why is this person in my life?

Second, we are going to build our hexagram one line at a time. We start from the bottom and build a six-line hexagram using three pennies. After I write down my question about a life experience that I want to understand better, I throw the three pennies. And, depending on how the pennies land, heads-up or tails-up, will determine the type of line I use. There are two types of lines: Broken and Firm. I throw the pennies 6 times, for the 6 lines and build the hexagaram from the bottom up. Here are the designated lines for thrown pennies:

3 heads = a broken line (- -) which changes to a firm line ( — )

3 tails = a firm line ( — ) which changes to a broken line ( — — )

2 heads and 1 tail = a firm line ( — ) that does not change

2 tails and 1 head = a broken line ( — — ) that does not change

If you throw 3 heads or 3 tails, the line changes from either a broken or firm line. A finished hexagram might look like this after 6 throws:

Once we have our hexagram, we refer to the I-Ching matrix to find out which number we threw.

Note: If you threw all heads or all tails for one or multiple throws, that particular line or lines has a changing quality. For example, if you threw all heads on your 3rd throw you get a broken line that changes to a firm line. As such, you will actually have two separate hexagrams that will apply to your question. The I-Ching book will explain what the changing lines means as well as explain what the 2nd hexagram means.

While the first hexagram is typically a present day divination, the second hexagram created from changing a single or multiple lines from the first hexagram, typically refers to the possible future.

Finally, after building your hexagram, you can refer to the I-Ching to find out the answer to your question. There are 64 hexagrams to choose from. Here is a link for hexagram 33 — Retreat

Before I began posting my narratives, I decided to follow the path of the I-Ching and create 64 writings. Each of the previous 62 writings are connected to one of the I-Ching Hexagrams. In fact, on my website, the watermark of every individual I-Ching hexagram is in each corresponding narratives background. This narrative is the penultimate one, number 63.

In the I-Ching, number 63 is known as “Chi Chi”, which can be translated as “After Completion” or “Already Fording”. This hexagram symbolizes a situation that has reached completion or a phase of completion and signifies both the culmination and the potential beginning of a new cycle. It signifies that order has been established.

It goes on to say that, even as we enjoy a rewarding situation, don’t let your current good fortune give rise to adopting an attitude of carelessness. Whatever is successful or already established, needs to be maintained. Whatever is incomplete, needs to be finished. Take satisfaction upon completion and enjoy a sense of fulfillment, but do not linger too long on endings.

Next week will be my last narrative. Number 64. The I-Ching hexagram Nearing Completion. It suggests that the ever-spinning wheel of life never reaches a final conclusion. In the spirit of Nearing Completion, I hope that my last Life Introduced narrative is not the final act. I hope that it spawns additional projects in the same vein. Musings that offer a different perspective. Ruminations that spur deep thought.

