He’s my boy

Lori McCray
Life is Fiction
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2017

I was going to make a collage but it’s not going well and it’s time for Maxie the rabbit to have her Cilantro, and I added water to the coffee maker twice and diluted coffee tastes like _____ and I need more caffeine not less and my car is still in the shop because the insurance guy has to come in person to approve the additional work which was, of course, discovered after the fender was removed (I was harshly reprimanded in elementary school onward for my run-on sentences. My Flickr friend Kathleen calls her “Mrs. Red Pen”, an un-inspired English teacher, and now I do it out of unconscious spite, lol.)

Perhaps after the Cilantro and before the Yew removal (i’ve had it with ugly shuberries (ha, i’m leaving it, it’s cute. This is what happens on half-caffeine. Lose my skills.) Have a great day friends (oh my, I nearly forgot to post the pic, which is the entire point of this ramble.) This is the full rendering of my tiny avatar. I had to do the selfie myself (it’s redundant, i see it) because who in their right mind would walk out on treacherous ice with me to visit a swan with heavily serrated notches in their big mouths who detests strangers, men especially, my husband *most* especially? William wouldn’t behave, as my butt grew colder and my patience shorter and the feeling in my fingers long gone, kept yanking my hair and biting my coat and I got exasperated and laid it out straight. “Look, sweetness, I want ONE good photograph of us and I am NOT leaving until I get it so settle down, look happy to see me, stop friggin biting on me and I’ll be on my way, okay?” And look at his precious face. Do NOT tell me he didn’t understand my intentions and made the decision to cooperate.

if you look closely you will see his tongue. A wonder it didn’t freeze. And the horizon is wonky because, well, i have spatial issues and even getting both of us in the frame is a miracle.



Lori McCray
Life is Fiction

Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer. Find me on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wingthing/