From the cities of tomorrow

a Summers Dream

a Norse View
3 min readMay 16, 2014

and together with last nights Sandman came a summers dream
all the way from the cities of tomorrow

The lushness of vertical gardens and clean air, silence and empty streets. Playgrounds and architecture, parks and leisure — all free of air pollution and ripe of serendipity. On the outside of our vertical cities, and high up above us, wind rips at, re fuels and powers the flying turbines that together with the solar stations, located far out in space provides the cities of tomorrow with most of their clean, healthy and sustainable energy.

No fossil fuel dirty vehicles to be seen on the lingering streets.

music of the day while you are reading my article
As the pages burn by Arch Enemy

Driver free
and clean air to breath

And through the winding city, driver free cars, trains and busses skips along, silently and casualty free, their wheels turning and spinning over the roads and drive ways, that provide both solar powered energy as well as light and information, a fleet of non polluting vehicles, recharging at night as well as in transition.

The foods in our stores are grown and harvested within or just outside the city limits. Apple trees, oranges, strawberries, wheat, even eggs, milk and insect farms grown all year round, without pollution and meaningless transportations on their way from farmer to producer, to store and customer. Every building providing it´s own little gardens, a rooftop of green leisure, health and sanctuary. And outside the city limits, nature and wildlife, roamed free and healthy wild again, freed from our unsustainable clutches, moving and changing in their own natural ebb and flow. Healthy, protected, grand and at times, nature and wildlife served as an equal provider of adventurous rejuvenating visits. Our planet smiled, as our oceans once again where free of plastics and man made chemicals. As our own health improved, so did mother nature in the absence of our past stupidity.

And inside the garden of trees, deep within the natural parks of our vertical cities, people walked, enjoying a summers dream. A sustainable world without illegal and unsustainable logging and farming, no coal mines and hourly wages far beneath what anyone could live on. Essential services such as electricity, food and water where 100 percent clean, healthy and sustainable, sold at cost plus a tiny few percent allocated to the providers profit.

Cars and luxury gadgets, clothes and even paper where entirely made in a clean and sustainable way. Religion made a personal choice and nothing more, just like picking your own taste in sex, music, clothes and partner.

Longevity and ageless life. Consuming healthy food without the limitations of the 20:th century profit driven food production culture, no more harmful ingredients and backwards nutritional values that had plagued humanity for so long.

There where no animal abuse to be found, no unhealthy food produced, nor unsustainable farming practices.
This was a clean and healthy and equal world, where all truly where worth the same. Men, women, animals and nature.

Health care once again actually was about providing and promoting real health and not just covering up symptoms of our unhealthy way of life with pills and empty platitudes that caused more harm then good for most. Doctors not faced with endless lines of exhausted and empty patients, and patients not treated as a walking purse with no value other then as a monetary provider for equally over worked doctors.

People and not corporations where the worlds most valuable entities. Each and everyone of us.

Obesity was now a memory lost as sugar and unhealthy ingredients was removed from all foods and the percentage of protein was greatly increased. Providing a healthier population with less body fat and healthier levels of lean muscle mass. Causing ripple effects that included a sharp decline in elderly related injuries, and the near end of diabetes as a wide spread disease. Lowering the cost of health care, while also increasing the quality of medical aid once required. And as Alzheimers was derailed and we harnessed the power of rejuvenating our telomeres, in the cities of tomorrow we all got to explore centuries of healthy, fulfilling and vital adulthood instead of decades of unfulfillment.

Those where the glimpses that sandman brought with him from the healthy cities of tomorrow.

Website version
From the cities of tomorrow, a Norse View .com

G+ version
From the cities of tomorrow, G+, Michael A Koontz

