Our beautiful Earth

The land of fairies and gnomes

a Norse View
2 min readApr 26, 2014

Today I hope, is a beautiful day for you.

It certainly is such where I am. The sun is shining and the air is clean and healthy and behind me the coffee is brewing as I type these words. And in a few hours I have a romantic date waiting with my beautiful girlfriend.

Yes, today is a beautiful day by all accounts.

Earth day, every day.

But today is also Earth day, and for most that might be just another Tuesday, or Wednesday or Friday.

However, considering that we live in a world that absolutely needs us to permanently change course today. Both as individuals and one mutual global society and to rapidly grow a more proper awareness, not just in words but in the way we do and see our world, health and shared reality.

Let us reflect for a mere second upon our beautiful Earth.

music of the day
Beautiful with you by Halestorm

Earth — the oldest kid on this block

What your personal belief systems are, is as always your personal belief and choice — and nothing else.

It is human nature to make our own personal choices, and that freedom and desire to carve our own path in life and thought is a tremendously beautiful part of what makes us all tick

Be it religion or lack of, be it greed and dirty harmful oil, or growing slow, going weak and out of shape and unhealthy instead of the other way around. Reading books or not. Enjoying sex or not.

To drink your coffee pure black or having it served as a bowl of cream with a splash of coffee to go.To do others bidding's instead of enjoying and doing life in a meaningful and fulfilling way.

Cats or dogs, Ice hockey or painting.

Those are your choices, shaping and forming the way you live the rest of your remaining days. Making tomorrow´s world nothing more then what we are choosing to make it. No, it is true, we can not change the fabric of reality, or to carve unlimited richness out of every situation.

But as always, you and no one else, within reason — make and shape your own future and thus — you either choose to help and improve or hinder and lessen all our global tomorrow.

little Cat and Stray ants
Mike Koontz

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