William Opar
Life Jar
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2022


How to Offload Your Mind to Improve Your Mental Health

Keeping your mind clogged with several issues is a red flag for mental health.

You’re indeed working hard to achieve your goals. This makes you have a packed plan of things you wish to accomplish.

That’s right and in order. I encourage you to put in more effort.
However, don’t forget the welfare of your mental health.

Did you know that your struggle to achieve your goals can result in several mental health problems and lifestyle diseases?

I know you’re asking,…… HOW?

Yes, that’s a genuine question. And you’re not alone.

But look, are you aware that your mind is overloaded? If no, then take this simple task to prove……

Take a pen and a paper. Write everything you aspire to achieve and anything that disturbs your mind, including the painful moments in your life.
Look at the list….. Look at it again.

Guess what? You hold all these in your mind. That’s why you’re able to write them down.
In this article, you’ll learn how you can offload your mind for sound mental health amidst your struggle to accomplish your goals.

1. Have a Diary or a To-Do List
When you write things down on paper, you lessen the amount of work for the brain. You can do this by writing your plan of activities in a diary.

Besides, you can also archive your achievements in writing. This will give you hope for the future during hard times when things are not working for you – you’ll have something to motivate you.

2. Share, Share and Share
Sharing your thoughts is the number one therapy for your mind. A problem shared is half solved.
Research shows that those who keep things for themselves (introverts) are at high risk of developing mental illnesses.

However, this doesn’t mean you share with anybody and everybody. You need to identify some of your friends or relatives whom you trust and can confide in. Remember, your confidentiality is paramount.

3. Avoid Procrastination
Procrastination is the thief of time. I was once a victim of procrastination, and I’m still struggling to outgrow it.

When you keep on postponing things, you reach a point when you’ve to do a lot within a short period. It’s hell.
And the more you procrastinate, the more things pile in your mind. In the long run, you become stagnated, and stress crops in.

Yes, address issues as they come, and schedule time for each issue. If you can’t complete the tasks you scheduled, please learn to reschedule.

4. Have a Break
Say this after me, “Too much work makes Jack a dull boy.” It can make you dull, too.
You need a break. Your mind needs to cool down.

Remember, everything we do involves the brain. And the brain is the engine of our lives.
Never ever celebrate that you’ve worked the whole day without a break. It’s detrimental to your mental health.
So, in your schedule, remember to incorporate breaks and honor your break time.

5. Learn to Say No
Saying “YES” to everything may be tragic. Learn to say no.
Imagine you want to accept everything you’re requested to do or provide. Yet you also have your plans to achieve. Guess how your mind would be overloaded.
When you’re faced with a junk of things to do, and you feel there are some you can’t manage within the deadline, there is no harm when you say NO.

Back to You
You hold the keys to your sound mental health. Keeping your mind clogged with several issues is a red flag for mental health. Offload your mind today to see your mental health improve.



William Opar
Life Jar

William Opar is Experienced Sociologist. He delivers the best Tips and Insights on Personal Finance, Making Money Online, Self-Improvement and Mental Health.