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Promoting Positivity: 10 ways to let your light shine

Matt Fowler
Penny Press


They say hurt people hurt people. What about those who feel good about themselves? Can you feel better by helping others? How can we bring more positivity to the world?

There are 10 tools included in this article. Positivity takes practice. Life is going to have ups and downs. We have some choice in how we see the world. See the light in the dark. Be the light in the dark. Share light when it is dark.

1. Be Grateful

Gratitude sets the tone. Life happens, but what are you grateful for today? What are you grateful for right now? Stay centered and remember what you have to be thankful for. If you like journaling, write the five things you are most grateful for daily. See if it changes your attitude and outlook. If you do not journal, consider writing what you are thankful for anyway. It will be worth the time and effort.

2. Take Care of Yourself

When I’m not feeling well mentally, it’s hard enough to take care of myself. To help others, sometimes the best thing you can do is help yourself. Perhaps you need to go for a run or watch a movie. Taking some time for yourself is not a bad thing. Introverts particularly need to do this. It’s like recharging your batteries.

3. Be Kind



Matt Fowler
Penny Press

Matt Fowler is a freelance Photojournalist and IT professional who is passionate about helping others navigate personal and professional growth.