15 Principles of an Unmistakable Standard

Srinivas Rao
Published in
1 min readJun 16, 2015
  1. Hire amazing People
  2. Don’t compromise on a damn thing
  3. Put in the extra effort, even when it’s a pain in the ass
  4. Become the benchmark, set the standard, and obliterate that standard over over and over again
  5. Take pride in the parts of your craft that people will never see
  6. Have the guts to destroy bad art
  7. Push people to live fully, die empty, and leave their hearts on stage. They will hate the process but love the result
  8. Always look at anything you ship and ask yourself “how could it be better?”
  9. Be ruthless in service of the tribe, the audience and the fans
  10. Don’t be afraid to admit the work is not up to par
  11. Say no when you have to
  12. Say yes when you feel compelled to
  13. Own the truth of who you are
  14. Model your your heroes and role models. Don’t mimic them. Imitation is not the greatest form of flatter. Adaptation is
  15. Ask yourself on completion “Is this unmistakable?” When the answer is no….start over

The 15 Principles have been turned into a poster that illustrated by our amazing artist in residence, Sarah Steenland. And the poster is now available for sale in our art store.



Srinivas Rao

Candidate Conversations with Insanely Interesting People: Listen to the @Unmistakable Creative podcast in iTunes http://apple.co/1GfkvkP