Why Title III Of The JOBS Act Will Disappoint Entrepreneurs

Chance Barnett
Published in
7 min readMay 25, 2016

The long awaited Title III of the JOBS Act went into effect Monday, May 16th.

With Title III comes the latest in equity crowdfunding laws that permit non-accredited individuals to invest in private startups and small businesses. Investing was previously restricted to wealthier accredited investors and institutions only.

Title III was originally viewed as a potential game changer for fundraising and access to capital, opening up a new and promising avenue for young startups seeking capital.

As CEO of Crowdfunder, my early work with a small leadership group in Washington D.C. on the JOBS Act legislation had me hopeful that new regulations could greatly increase the opportunity for early-stage business owners to raise capital efficiently online, while also democratizing the access to investing for everyday citizens.

Unfortunately, the final rules under Title III are somewhat limiting and inefficient, given their intent. I believe that Title III will be a disappointment to entrepreneurs in their cost and requirements. Additionally, I believe we will see some adverse selection around Title III offerings, given that early indications in the market are showing that the majority of high quality startups that receive investment from experienced Angels and Venture Capital firms are holding off and may avoid utilizing this new equity crowdfunding alternative.

Before I delve into why, let me provide some background on the JOBS Act and Title III.

JOBS Act Background

The Jumpstart our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) was signed into law by President Obama on April 5, 2012, and represents an easing of security regulations intended to increase the funding that flows to small businesses in the United States, while opening up participation to everyday citizens. Title III sets up new regulations for equity crowdfunding, opening up the investment platform to non-accredited investors or “the crowd”.

Prior to Title III, this type of investment was open only to accredited investors — individuals who earn more than $200,000 per year or have a net worth of over $1 Million.

Alternatively, Title II of the JOBS Act created a relatively efficient method for startups to fundraise and access capital with accredited investors and institutions. Over two years after Title II has gone live, we’re seeing the funding volume roughly double year over year.

The difference in Title II was the relatively light weight regulatory requirements as compared with traditional offline methods of private capital fundraising under Regulation D 506(b) exemptions.

Currently, platforms like Crowdfunder, CircleUp, and AngelList provide Title II fundraising routes for startups which, in private offerings, require virtually little or no additional compliance requirements beyond their existing Reg D 506(b) offering.

Title III Highlights For Entrepreneurs

  • Startups can raise up to $1 Million in a 12 month period
  • Offerings must be made via Broker-Dealer or Portal Intermediary
  • Businesses must provide detailed disclosures of corporate and financial information
  • Less than $100K — sign off from company officer
  • $100K — $500K — reviewed by public accountants
  • $500K+ — first time fundraisers must be reviewed by public accountant, others must submit a full audit

Title III Highlights for Investors

  • Investors making <$100,000 per year can invest $2,000 or 5% of annual income, whichever is greater
  • Investors making >$100,000 per year can invest up to 10% of their annual income (SEC Guidelines)

Given that background, I see two barriers to the wide adoption of Title III by entrepreneurs: 1) the limit on fundraising amount and 2) the costs associated with fundraising. I believe that these hurdles will disqualify equity crowdfunding as a fundraising option for viable startups. Because of this, the overall quality of deal flow offered to non-accredited investors will be low.

Barrier: Limit on Fundraising Amount

As noted above, under Title III, startups can raise up to $1 Million in a 12 month period. This fails to account for the dramatic evolution of the seed round since the creation of the JOBS Act in 2012. The venture landscape is always evolving and has changed substantially in the past four years. Many current startups seek pre-seed rounds of <$1 Million followed by a seed round which is similar to the Series A of prior years. Companies are seeking seed rounds after they’ve already built a prototype and assembled a team, and seek to establish revenue and models for their market.

Due to these changes, the requirements on a company seeking Series A funding have grown. Startups are tasked with building strong product traction prior to a Series A round which requires more runway in terms of seed investment. The hiring bubble has yet to burst, and the cost of technical talent continues to grow, adding to the cost to compete for early-stage companies. To provide some perspective, the median seed round in 2015 was $2 Million compared to $750K in 2012. This number will continue to rise, with 2016 seed projections averaging at $2.5 Million.

In this changing venture landscape, the $1 Million cap of Title III fails to account for current startup funding needs. Several interested parties requested the SEC adjust the regulation to a $5 Million cap. Unfortunately, this suggestion was not entertained and the final rules maintain the $1 Million cap. Companies have the option of running a Regulation D raise in parallel, working with accredited investors. This adds complications to an already arduous process for bootstrapped early-stage startups. In addition, it is unlikely that the majority of accredited investors would choose to participate in a simultaneous Reg D and equity crowdfunding campaign. The liability implications of investing alongside non-accredited investors is not yet known and therefore a deterrent to accredited investors interested in participating in a fundraising round. Given the fundraising limits, I feel Title III is a non-starter for early-stage companies.

Barrier: Upfront Cost for Crowdfunding

Funds are limited for all startups, especially those in the early stages of development. Unfortunately, the costs associated with fundraising via Title III are astronomical compared to traditional methods. On average, a Title III fundraising campaign could cost as much as $50-$100K. The new SEC regulations require businesses seeking to conduct an equity crowdfunding campaign to comply with a lengthy set of regulations far beyond Regulation D offerings that angels invest in regularly.

The SEC estimates this compliance process will require, on average, 100 work hours from various in-house and outsourced professionals including accountants and lawyers. This is likely an underestimation given the heavy regulations laid out in Title III.

In addition to compliance costs, startups also need to account for the fees associated with crowdfunding portals and broker-dealers. For a successful campaign, businesses pay a success fee of approximately 7–10% of the raised amount. On top of compliance costs and fundraising fees, entrepreneurs are responsible for the cost of a CPA review or full audit, which ranges from as low as $20,000 and to as high as $70,000 depending on the amount raised.

As noted above, under Title III, startups that raise between $100-$500K are required to be reviewed by public accountants and those that raise over $500K must undergo a full audit. Fortunately, the SEC did choose to adjust the full audit requirement for first time fundraisers, allowing them to be reviewed by outside accountants only. Although an improvement, this is still a big cost for early-stage startups.

There is a huge disparity between the upfront costs of a Title III versus Regulation D raise. For a startup seeking $1 Million in investment, the estimated cost for a Reg D raise is $15K versus $100K for a Title III raise. The $100K includes an average 7% Broker-Dealer or Portal Success Fee ($70K) in addition to $30K for compliance costs in the form of SEC Filings, Legal Disclosures and Audited Financials. It should be noted, for a Title III raise the $30K in compliance costs is an upfront expense that is not refunded if the crowdfunding campaign is unsuccessful. Provided the heavy regulation and high upfront costs of crowdfunding vs. traditional fundraising, it is steep barrier to entry for entrepreneurs.

Bottom Line

The ultimate goal of the JOBS Act was to infuse capital into the small businesses that account for 65% of job growth in the United States. Ultimately, the equity crowdfunding portion of the bill fell short, creating too many regulatory hurdles to appeal to high-growth startups. Given the barriers to entry, I don’t foresee top-tier startups adopting equity crowdfunding as a fundraising outlet. The SEC estimates 1,900 businesses will seek funding through equity crowdfunding, accounting for less than 2% of the total annual funded deals. This substantially limits the deal flow available to non-accredited investors.

Bottom line, the crowd won’t be investing in the next Facebook or Uber with Title III, and the majority of entrepreneurs will continue to target fundraising campaigns led by VCs and accredited investors because it is faster and more efficient.

Learn more about Crowdfunder here.



Chance Barnett

https://www.linkedin.com/in/chancebarnett Blockchain. Digital Currency. Policy. Banking & Payments. Prior: CoinCircle, Crowdfunder, JOBS Act, Hot Topic Media.