You don’t need more than two years

David Ams
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2015


Two years is nothing, but at the same time a lot can be accomplished in two years. You can try a sport you’ve always wanted to start, and become great at it. You can start a morning routine and affect your mood and stress at a deep level. You can meditate for a few minutes per day, become more self-aware and change the way you react to problems. You can start a business and make it a big success.

Two years is nothing and extremely easy to waste, but with small actions, substantial commitment and consistency, you can make it count, a lot.

Two years being passive is a blink of an eye. Two years moving towards goals every single day is plenty of time, it’s just a matter of perspective. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished in two years with enough efforts.

Start something you’ve always wanted to do.

You’re not too old for the things you were dreaming of doing when you were a kid. You can still do extreme sports if you wish to. You can start playing a musical instrument. You can become a photographer. In two years from now, you’ll be great at it if you really want to.

Don’t let your past dictate who you are, you don’t have to be the same person you have always been. Don’t let fear control you. Don’t let the social standards conform you. Age is just a number, we should all empower our uniqueness and fight against our own limitations.

By doing things you love on a daily basis, even for a few minutes, you’ll learn to enjoy the journey. The days will become more than just a mean to an end. You’ll see yourself evolving.

Be in control.

If you had the choice between feeling great, energetic and in a positive mood, versus feeling sleepy, moody. What would you choose?

It’s just a choice, which combined with small, even tiny actions like reducing meat or alcohol consumption, or simply drinking more water, walking the stairs or biking to the office, can do wonders. It’s not about the end goal, it’s about daily actions towards it. It’s also the reason why morning routines, or ten minutes daily meditation sessions are bringing such great changes in terms of mood, productivity, stress management, etc.

Replace Tv shows and movies by documentaries and books. Monitor your days more, get in control of how you spend your time.

Take back the control of your health, mood and time. Practice gratefulness. See the results in two years.

Silence your ego.

Be kind with people. Start with your family, don’t go mad one more time. Stop judging, see the good in them and remember that you love them more than anything.

In your working life, being kind and nice can bring you more respect from people who surround you than being be bossy and aggressive. Learn to say “No” often (for the right reasons), people will accept it more and value your “Yes” more, because your time’s value will increase. You don’t need to be scary to be respected. It’s about building trust and healthy long term relationships. Try this and in two years from now your reality will be so different.

Silence your ego, love and trust others enough for two years, harvest for ten years or more.

Set long term goals and do small actions every day towards them.

It has a lot to do with setting goals, but goals without actions are just wishes. The easiest way to reach goals is through daily and consistent small (even tiny) actions. It’s all about consistency, commitment, and regularity.

Success is not an event, it’s a process and a mindset. Small actions are putting you in the position of succeeding.

Small actions make huge differences. Look at yourself in the mirror in two years and you’ll think “that was quick!”.


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David Ams

Entrepreneur | Investor | “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.” — Ben Franklin