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Typically, an author is someone who publishes his or her writing work in the form of a book. Writing the manuscript of a book is just the first initial step. Thereafter, one has to look for a publisher and the process of editing, corrections, and designing the front page cover follows which itself can take a few months.

Ajay Gupta
7 min readSep 15, 2020


If a book is written well and tells a great story or a scripture, then it makes a huge difference in the lives of people who read it. The book has then served its purpose for generations to come in this digital age.

You will find books on almost everything and anything. — When the competition is so huge and vast, how do you make your book visible in the world? — How do you tell people that you have written something which is worth reading as a compelling story?

Writing a good book with original ideas and contents is a very hard and a laborious process. Firstly, one has to do a thorough research and read all possible books on a specific topic to have a thorough knowledge on the subject and become an expert on the subject.

A good writer is a voracious reader to master ample vocabulary which is essential for the writing work. To succeed one must produce a book with original contents which are not available elsewhere.

One has to craft one’s own words and sentences and carve out one’s own path and boundaries.

Every morning across the world, thousands of people wake up and say, “I am going to write a book!” — However, an amazingly significant number of these aspiring authors never complete their manuscript.

Of those who do complete a manuscript, many of these wannabe authors will be rejected so many times by traditional publishers that they will give up their dream and put their manuscript in a box and forget about it.

It is estimated that of all the writers who attempt to get published, only a very small percentage will succeed in actually achieving the status of being a published author and having their books available for purchase by the general public online.

Many go for just writing a poetry book or self-help book with little potential for sales except for gifting among one’s friends circle.

Financially, one cannot survive out of writing a book. Writing is a hobby and a passion as an outlet for one’s own inner being and ideas. There are hardly any financial rewards and initially one may have to shell out money from one’s pocket to see the book as a paperback and as a kindle version on Amazon.

The world does not know that a brilliant book is available on Amazon or Flip-kart until and unless there is marketing and advertisement to show the visibility of the book.

There are a few exceptions as in the case of J.K Rowling, Steven Kings and others of the likes of ‘How to win friends…’

But, finally when an author does succeed in his efforts to publish a good book, then he has created something which enlightens another human being, educates and gives food for thoughts to others.

If a person wants to become an author of a book just because he wants to become rich and famous, then probably he is on the wrong track.

There are thousands upon thousands of people who write…poetry — novels, novellas, flash fiction, screenplays, memoirs, short stories, essays, and many of these do not get published. — Even if these do, the chances to become rich or famous are almost negligible.

Nothing good in life comes easy, whether you are an accountant, writer, scientist, doctor or an engineer.

Being an author of a book is a labour of love. But it is pure love and thrill of the richest kind!

Being an author is not publishing the next Harry Potter in just four months and then watching the money roll in while you sit back and relax.

It takes years to write a good book and one has to go through the tedious publishing process of editing, proofreading and numerous corrections. There are no fixed holidays, Sundays or party times for a successful author.

I am an author of the following two books. — But it was still the best thing that has ever happened to me when I wrote the two books ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’… and… ‘Want To Know God: For Young and Old.’

Ajay Gupta: Kindle Store : Word of God Bhagavad Gita by Ajay Gupta

No self-improvement in the list of books is complete without knowledge and wisdom of ‘Bhagavad Gita.’ This knowledge is unique and gives the direction to lead a meaningful and a purposeful life.

Bhagavad Gita is a ‘masterpiece book’ but only with the right selection of book among hundreds of books on the subject.

The title of a book on ‘Bhagavad Gita’ does not normally catch one’s attention, as it is perceived as a difficult and dull subject to read and understand.

If the contents of a topic are presented in an easy-to-read and interesting manner, then the book becomes a delightful reading experience with the advantage of gaining the invaluable wisdom.

The online ‘Look inside’ feature of books on websites like ‘Amazon,’ enables one to read free sample pages and to know the quality and contents of a book. This is an added boon in the modern era of internet to select the right book from among hundreds of books on a particular topic.

Selecting the right book to read with meaningful contents can make a huge difference and it should not be based on the media hype of a publishing house or the name of a famous author, as there are hundreds of books on the same topic.

With the spread of internet technology in our day to day life, ‘Amazon’ has now made it easy to purchase a paperback book or an e-book by just click of a button, thus eliminating the need to go to a bookstore.

Internet has also made it easier to connect and interact with people whom one has not met personally, and exchange new ideas and knowledge. Reading a good book is like a stress buster and gives fresh ideas.

With the knowledge of ‘Bhagavad Gita’ the journey of life is made much easier and enjoyable, as this wisdom is given directly by the God-incarnate Sri Krishna for the benefit of vast humanity.

Excerpt from the book: — Lord Sri Krishna says to Arjuna in the book: ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’:

Know that the all pervading Spirit of God, by which this entire Universe is pervaded, is indestructible. None can cause the destruction of the imperishable Spirit. (2:17)

The physical bodies of all living beings have an end; while the indwelling soul is eternal and indestructible. Therefore O Bharata Arjuna! Fight the war with determination. (Book: Word of God Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2 verse 18)

Bible (Matthew): “And fear not which kills the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body to hell.”

The soul has neither birth nor death. Coming into existence at birth and ceasing to exist at death, both do not take place for the soul. The soul is unborn, deathless, eternal, changeless, and ancient from the beginning. The soul is not destroyed when the body dies. (Book: Word of God Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2 verse 20)

Book: ‘Want To Know God: For Young and Old.’

One of the most common topics of discussions and debates all over the world is, “Does God exist or not?”…. Can anyone show me God? …. Have you seen God? … Is God a mystery?

It is difficult to believe in something which we do not see with our own eyes. This book with separate chapters on Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Sikhism provides answers to these intricate questions on God.

Excerpt from the book: ……Ram-charit-manas says, “Not only fools, says Tulsidas, but even clever men are fooled by the beautiful appearances in this world. Look at the beautiful feathers of a peacock and its sweet singing which sounds like nectar to the ears, yet it can devour even snakes.”

Buddhist Dhammapada: “As a fish quivers when taken out of water and is thrown on the dry land; so does the mind quiver, when taken out of the world of sensual enjoyments.”

Bible: “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Sri Guru Granth Sahib: “You may torment your body with extremes of self-discipline, endless meditations and you may hang your body upside-down; but it is of no use if the ego is not eliminated.”

Ajay Gupta is a former Naval officer who served onboard Indian Naval warships and aircraft. — He is the author of two books ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’ and ‘Want to Know God: For Young and Old.’

Copyright © Ajay Gupta: — Reference book: Amazon: Ajay Gupta: Kindle Store : Word of God Bhagavad Gita by Ajay Gupta:



Ajay Gupta
Reader’s Paradise

Ajay Gupta is the best selling author of two books ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’ and ‘Want to Know God: For Young and Old.’ — His books are available on Amazon.