Is It True That Whosoever Studies the Sacred Book of Bhagavad Gita Shall Gain the Merit of Worshipping The Divine Spirit of God?

There is a verse in Bhagavad Gita which says that whosoever shall study this sacred book will obtain the merit of worshipping the divine Spirit of God through the wisdom of Jnana Yajna.

Ajay Gupta
Reader’s Paradise


The merit of reading Bhagavad Gita is higher than even the biggest acts of charities and giving away of wealth.

Even though charity, austerity and penance is enjoined in Bhagavad Gita, yet knowledge and wisdom is on a higher pedestal.

Bhagavad Gita: “And whosoever shall study this sacred Gospel and dialogue of Bhagavad Gita; shall gain the merit of worshipping My Divine Spirit as Jnana Yajna (worship through knowledge). This is My declaration (as Spirit of God).” (Book: Word of God Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 verse 70) Word of God Bhagavad Gita by Ajay Gupta

This sacred teaching is imparted by Lord Sri Krishna to his disciple Arjuna in the form of a dialogue.

The sacred book has the merit of worshipping the divine Spirit of God by study and contemplation on the Gita verses as the teaching is imparted by the God-incarnate Sri Krishna Himself.

There is a hidden blessing associated in the study of this sacred book which one realizes in due course of time.

It is to be noted that when Sri Krishna says that this is ‘My’ declaration, it is not the declaration of Sri Krishna as a human being; but as the Spirit of Lord Vishnu as the primal God talking through the incarnation of Sri Krishna.

One has to read the sacred gospel of Bhagavad Gita again and again on a daily routine to imbibe the true essence of the holy Scripture. One may not understand and assimilate the implied meaning of the Gita verses in one single reading.

One is bound to forget the finer points over a period of time, and hence a repetitive reading of this scripture is called for.

Many of the verses are in the form of a metaphor and seed mantras with a hidden meaning, and the teaching is applicable in our day to day life in different contexts.

Every time one reads and meditates over a particular verse a new meaning emerges, and that is the beauty of Bhagavad Gita.

There are hundreds of commentaries by different commentators and writers on the sacred book, according to their intellect and understanding, and one can choose that particular book what appeals to him or her.

The interpretation should be in simple words and easy to understand. Whenever one needs clarity as to what action is right or wrong, Bhagavad Gita provides the answer.

After repeated readings, the remembrance of the verses settles down in one’s mind, and then it becomes a source of inner illumination. It will simply be there to guide one in all actions, like a beam of light in darkness.

It will show you the way and help to avoid the pitfalls and worldly snares. With the teaching of Bhagavad Gita, a person stands on a firm spiritual footing like a lotus leaf which rises above the muddy waters with roots still in water.

With the teaching of ‘The Word of God’ one is bound to overcome all obstacles and difficulties in life.

Bhagavad Gita:

“And all those who with utmost faith, and without finding faults; will listen to the teaching of this sacred Gospel; they too will be liberated from all evil and shall attain the auspicious regions, equal in merit to those who have performed meritorious deeds.” (Book: Word of God Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 verse 71)

Faith is a very powerful and essential factor in one’s meditation and worship. Action without faith is of no consequence in this world or even in the next.

Adi Shankaracharya extols and praises the virtuous merit of the study and listening to the Holy Scripture of Bhagavad Gita and says:

“One who has studied the Bhagavad Gita even a little, one who has sipped at least a drop of Ganga water, who has worshipped at least once Lord Murari (Sri Krishna); for that person, there is no fear of death and no arguments with Yama, the god of death.”

The Bhagavad Gita and Vishnu Sahasranama are to be chanted, and the Spirit of Sri Krishna is to be meditated upon.

Association and company of the virtuous and good people is to be sought; and wealth is to be shared with the poor and the needy.

Copyright © Ajay Gupta: — Reference book: Amazon: Ajay Gupta: Kindle Store : — Word of God Bhagavad Gita by Ajay Gupta



Ajay Gupta
Reader’s Paradise

Ajay Gupta is the best selling author of two books ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’ and ‘Want to Know God: For Young and Old.’ — His books are available on Amazon.