Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Coronavirus and Love — How They are the Same

Afshan Jaffery
Life Line
4 min readMay 2, 2020


Beside the obvious that they both make you feel lonely at times. There are many similarities between love and Coronavirus.

Ever have that feeling that things are not going right? Shortness of breath? Unavailability of the very thing you want? It can be either love or Covid-19.

Even though every relationship has its ups and downs, we all have to learn the way to manage the bumps and keep things going.

Despite of being labelled as the ‘Tech Generation’, we are struggling to adjust with the absence of normal ways of socializing. Apparently, social media is not that great when it becomes ‘the only way’ of seeing people.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Figuring out how to adjust with the dynamics is a part of a relationship … and also of a pandemic.

Many do that by reading self-help books, articles, online seminars, counseling sessions, or just using trial and error.


All problems stem from poor communication. You can’t communicate effectively with insecurities ruling your brain.

You may feel that you are alone with your feelings but the truth is that there are millions of people going through the same. We don’t get to choose who we love. We don’t get to choose who we lose.

Voice out your opinion. Approach people with confidence that they are exactly like you. They may behave differently but the core is same for all of us.

Make some rules of interactions in a safe and healthy setup. Follow them religiously.


Human touch, we need that touch from the one we love almost as much as we need air to breathe. I never understood that until I couldn't have it.

(Rachael Lippincott)

Want to hug someone? Missing more intimacy in life?

Even partners who love one another and live together often don’t make sweet love. Sometimes one is not in mood, sometimes the other is too tired. Sometimes people keep harboring feelings over last night brawl.

Having someone to fulfill all our needs is a great idea, albeit untrue. But yearning for intimacy often mean yearning for peace of mind.

Try to get in touch with your inner self to fill the void.

Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay

Priority Setting

Do the items you want to do once you were making your 2020 resolution.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. But it doesn’t mean they are not going anywhere. Try to work around the obstacles.

Life often play hide and seek with us. You only have to take a little detour to find it again smiling in a corner.


Occasional conflict may be a a part of life. It can get worse when you feel forlorn yearning for missing pieces in life.

You may feel that you’re starring in your own nightmare version of the movie Groundhog Day — i.e. an equivalent lousy situations keep repeating day after day . It is time to get free from this toxic routine.

Acknowledge the need to detox yourself. Be it toxic diseases or toxic situations, we can only look ahead with a healthy mind.


It is easier to trust someone who is voicing out your thoughts. Dissent makes us uncomfortable because it forces us to think against our wishes.

Whether you trust your instincts or your past experience, the choice is yours. But trust at least one person so you can sleep better at night.

Do it like taking a medicine where there is no guarantee of cure. But you still take it with the idea that it is a medicine, it may work. Similarly, trust has power of its own.

It is true that you cannot change people. But when you trust people with good in your heart, some of them feel compelled to stay true to it.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The key to survive both Coronavirus and a relationship are the same.

  • First, be realistic.
  • Next, use humor — learn to let things go and luxuriate in the moment.



Afshan Jaffery
Life Line

Serial Reader, Binge Watcher. Author of The Killing Scripture.