Literacy & Numeracy of the 21st-Century

Figure 1. Teacher shows film to classroom, Grade 3, 1954. Reprinted from “flickr,” by Public Record Office Victoria, 2018. Retrieved from Copyright 2012 by

Literacy and numeracy refer to the acquisition and utilisation of literary and mathematical skills and knowledge. To be literate, one must be able to read, write, comprehend, design, speak, and listen and to be numerate is to be mathematically confident enough to utilise mathematical skills and knowledge to meet everyday requirements (Department of Education, 2017). Societies rapidly changing technological advances have forced both definitions to be redefined to meet new expectations of the 21st-century (Jones-Kavalier & Flannigan, 2006, p.8). Students of the modern generation (E-gen) are now expected to possess digital literacy and numeracy competencies to navigate the multidimensional and fast-paced digital environment effectively.

Figure 2: iPad class. Reprinted from “flickr,” by Michael Coghlan, 2011. Retrieved from Copyright 2011 by

E-gen students are required to communicate effectively in order to be social, well-balanced individuals. They are experiencing challenges that are far more diverse than they’re less-technologically advanced predecessors, and the teaching curriculum must reflect these changes in order to equip young Australians to live and work successfully in the twenty-first century (Barton & Woolley, 2017, p. 3; Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority [ACARA], n.d.a). Student’s need opportunities to develop capabilities over time and across multiple learning areas to assist in broadening their knowledge base ready for employment and tertiary study. If students are unable to obtain an appropriate level of numeracy and literacy skills before they enter the workforce, they will be far less likely to become gainfully employed nor enter and complete higher education.

Figure 3: General capabilities: Literacy. Reprinted from ACARA website — general capabilities — literacy, n.d.b Retrieved from Copyright n.d. by ACARA

In order to become financially, socially, and culturally engaged, students must also become critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and globally aware (Freebody, 2009). By incorporating curriculum activities involving multi-literacies, such as visual and digital literacies, educator’s can foster the effective development of critical thinking skills, creativity, innovation, and social awareness (Jones-Kavalier and Flannigan, 2006, pp. 9–10) In order to foster continuing development of literacy and numeracy to meet the demands of the 21st-century world, teachers can assist students in recognising how literacy and numeracy are related to not only language and visual information, but also in their world, outside the classroom, and within all modalities. Literacy and numeracy work together in different ways in different curriculum areas and is relevant for life-long learning.

Figure 4: General capabilities: Numeracy. Reprinted from ACARA website — general capabilities — numeracy, n.d.c Retrieved from Copyright n.d. by ACARA

If students are unable to obtain an appropriate level of numeracy and literacy skills before they enter the workforce, they will be far less likely to become gainfully employed nor enter and complete higher education. In order to become financially, socially, and culturally engaged, students must also become a critical thinker, a problem-solver, and globally aware. E-gen learners are required to be self-directed and innovative; they are encouraged to become life-long learners who develop skills from childhood and far into middle age (Freebody, 2009). By incorporating curriculum activities involving multi-literacies such as visual and digital literacies, educators can foster the effective development of critical thinking skills, creativity, innovation, and social awareness (Jones-Kavalier & Flannigan, 2006, pp. 9–10)


Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (n.d.a). F-10 curriculum: General capabilities. Retrieved from

ACARA. (n.d.b). F-10 curriculum: General capabilities — Literacy [Chart]. Retrieved from

ACARA. (n.d.c). F-10 curriculum: General capabilities — Numeracy [Chart]. Retrieved from

Barton, G. and Woolley, G. (2017). Developing literacy in the secondary classroom. Retrieved from

Coghlan, M. (2011). iPad class. Retrieved from

Department of Education. (2017). Queensland Government: Literacy and Numeracy. Retrieved from

Jones-Kavalier, B. R. and Flannigan, S. L. (2006). Connecting the digital dots: Literacy of the 21st Century. Retrieved from

Public Record Office Victoria. (2012). Teacher shows film to classroom, Grade 3, 1954. [Photograph]. Retrieved from

