What my eyes allow me to see as Beauty.

Tamyara Brown
Life, Love & Motherhood Oh My!
2 min readMar 9, 2015


I hope every day to inspire my daughters to look within themselves and see the beauty of not only what others see in them but what they see within themselves. I hope they realize that the sparkle of their eyes matter but there character counts. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we have to stop trying to fit in with what is considered pretty and perfect.

I was searching all over me to see the beauty
Beauty to me was the perfect face, light eyes, long hair and light skin.
Women told me it shouldn’t be a issue but it is.
I try so hard to fix my nose, enhance my eyes and lighten my skin.
I wear make up to cover up my skin, to hide the ugly I see in the mirror.
Erasing the very images of me.
I wanted and needed to be like the women I see.
They all are prettier than me.
The men choose them over me.
I don’t see beauty in me

My mother told me to look inside of me
My daddy told me they will see my heart.
I wish they would stop feeding me bull on a stick.
Men don’t go screaming, “you sure do have a pretty heart.”

I’m distorted, scars and ugliness.
I’m trying to erase the ugliness so others can see the beauty.
I’m trying to be liked for what you see and not hear the constant words your ugly.
I hear but I know it
I’m not like others and it not about the perception it is what I see.

Society tells me every one is beautiful then why don’t I see more girls that look like me on the magazine?

Why don’t they vote me as the prettiest or others girls?
I’m don’t see girls like me being glamorized on T.V.
I am judge the second someone sees my eyes, my nose, my ears, my hair and clothes.
If beauty was looked at from within so many wouldn’t be judged on other images.

It wouldn’t matter if I was fat, tall, skinny, scars, bumps , eyes , hair or how I dress.
If I could would wear a mask all my life. Erase this face and if I had a choice I’d never choose this face at all.

2014 Tamyara Brown- Tamluvstowrite



Tamyara Brown
Life, Love & Motherhood Oh My!

Tamyara is an author of eight novels, blogger, graphic and website designer. She is also the host of B.L.A.H Diaries.