What to Do After Version 1.0

design life
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2015


Originally posed as an answer to this question on Quora, “What does a technical co-founder do after the app has been built and launched?” — it really applies to all job titles within a start-up.

You rebuild the app, constantly — to be better, faster, stronger. You work with design and product and dev to make it cleaner, more streamlined and intuitive.

You address things you cut corners on in version 1.0.

You make adjustments and enhancements as operating systems evolve, viewports get bigger, device form factors change. You support landscape mode on mobile devices. You determine if your product/service needs a desktop experience. You determine if it needs a browser based equivalent. You build the app for the Mac, the Windows based PC, etc. You consider if it makes sense to support wearables, next-gen platforms, experimental devices. You go back and you do it all over again every time operation systems change on all your platforms.

You improve the in-app feedback loop. You see what features your users are really using, retire the bells and whistles everyone ignores. You listen to the needs of power users and the new user. You use that feedback to determine your current to-do list. You squash bugs, improve uptime, and maintain the day-to-day experience. You watch your competitors, you entertain suitors, you watch when the big tech giants fold your innovations into their operating system. You continue to innovate.

You eat, you sleep, you exercise, you take care of yourself, you wake up and do it all over again. You take time to enjoy your friends, your family and remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. You remember the people who work for you. You improve their lives, their work/life balance and you treat them like you’d treat yourself. You reward them when possible. You forgive them when possible.

You learn from everyone’s mistakes, including your own.

You take a vacation. Maybe another one after that. You absorb what is happening in books, music, movies — anything that can spark creativity and the next big idea. You start version 2.0 but, only after you call your Mom or your Dad to let them know you appreciate them. You do this regardless of whether or not they were supportive because regardless of what they did or didn’t do — it got you here.

Don’t forget to breathe.

