Life @ Noodles
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2018


International Women’s Day: Noodles Women in Leadership Perspective

“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” — Dolly Parton

March 8th is International Women’s Day, so what does that mean to Noodles? We are taking great strides to address the discrepancies in women within leadership roles. To really put this into perspective, the 2018 Women’s Foodservice Forum Annual Leadership Development Conference brought to light the “Women in Workplace 2017” study conducted by McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.Org. Research from this study was conducted to provide organizations the information needed to promote women’s leadership and ultimately foster gender equality. If actions are not made, gender equity at the c-suite level won’t change for 100 years!

We’re taking action! Here’s a sneak peek into what we have cooking to promote women’s leadership here at Noodles. 100 years… “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Last December, our first class of Multi-Unit General Manager’s (MUGM) were selected. This is a program that provides opportunities and experience for individuals who have shown potential and desire to advance to the next level of leadership. January, we kicked off the development program with 4 exceptional leaders across our organization ranging from the greater DC area to Sacramento. All 4 of these participants were nominated by their leader and ultimately selected into the program for displaying exceptional characteristics of emerging talent. All 4 individuals selected for the program are women. We are so proud to help these leaders on this exciting new journey!

Each of our MUGM participants has been paired with a female Area Manager during the program to provide mentorship. We understand the significant impact manager mentorship has on woman’s career progression as well as level of ambition, especially in our industry. Sadly noted, the restaurant industry has particularly struggled to advance women into middle management. We’re proud of what our first group of Multi-Unit GM’s have been able to accomplish and the example they are setting for future female leaders in the field!

We’ll hear from our MUGM ladies and their personal experiences moving through this career development program this summer when they stop into our Central Support Office to have one on one time with some of our most influential women in Noodles Leadership.




Life @ Noodles

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