Uncertainty Is Everywhere

Acknowledge your uncertainty

Michael Lewis
Life Notes
1 min readApr 11, 2014


What are [they] thinking?
Who’s gonna win?
What will happen tomorrow?

We can’t predict the future, yet our brains subconsciously do this for us. We often form our outlook based on incorrect premises. This isn’t because we’re stupid, but because we’re just not capable of prediting the future.

Humans prefer answers to unknowns, and so we force ourselves to make a conclusion about a particular unknown. Instead, we should reserve judgement. This is what we call worrying. We conclude that something bad will happen, and stress out about it, when in reality we don’t know. Uncertainty can compound on itself, and can cause further doubt, worry, and suffering.


Be aware of how certain you are. With most things, you’re not 100% certain. If you reserve final judgement, leaving the uncertainty in the equation, you’ll build better expectations about the future — you’ll build uncertainty into your expectations, and you’ll be expecting (and be prepared for) either outcome.

