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How whiteflies spread a tomato virus

A virus found in tomatoes spreads by damaging the brain cells of whiteflies so they are more attracted to uninfected plants.

Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2020


When a plant becomes infected by a virus, its defenses get weakened, which attracts insects that are looking for an easy meal. Insects detect which plants are infected based on the color of the sickened plant and the smell of chemicals it releases. Once an insect leaves the infected plant, it may carry the virus to new plants, allowing the virus to spread.

Insects, however, prefer the easy pickings of plants that are already infected, making them less likely to spread the virus. Plant viruses have found ways to overcome this preference, but how they do this was not fully understood. Learning more about how plant viruses manipulate insects into helping them spread could allow scientists to develop new ways of protecting food crops from viral diseases.

Viruses that infect insects can trigger excessive immune system responses that damage insects’ nerves and cause them to behave differently. For example, their senses may become impaired, they may move less, or be less able to remember things. This has led scientists to wonder whether plant viruses that use insects to spread might manipulate the insects’ behaviors using a similar mechanism.

Now, Wang et al. have investigated whether the tomato yellow leaf curl virus –TYLCV for short — changes the behavior of whiteflies, which are known to spread the virus. The experiments showed that whiteflies typically prefer tomato plants infected with the virus, but after carrying TYLCV, they displayed equal preference for both infected and uninfected plants. Analyzing which genes were active in the whiteflies revealed that TYLCV triggers a harmful immune response which turns on genes that cause cells in the brain to die. This impairs the whiteflies’ sight and sense of smell, making it harder for them to distinguish between infected and uninfected plants.

These findings suggest that the immune response triggered by the virus may be essential for the spread of TYLCV. It also identified a protein that causes the death of brain cells, leading to behavioral changes in the whiteflies. This suggests that targeting this protein, or other steps in this process, could help stop the spread of TYLCV in tomato plants.




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