Palm oil plantations in Malaysian Borneo at dawn. Palm oil agriculture is an important cause of deforestation and landscape disturbance in Southeast Asia. Image credit: Johnsons et al. (CC BY 4.0)

The wide impact of deforestation

Changes to forest habitats in Southeast Asia is linked to increased malaria infection in monkeys.

Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2024


Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. For example, the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium knowlesi can be transmitted from monkeys to humans through mosquitos that have previously fed on infected monkeys. In Malaysia, progress towards eliminating malaria is being undermined by the rise of human incidences of ‘monkey malaria’, which has been declared a public health threat by The World Health Organisation.

In humans, cases of monkey malaria are higher in areas of recent deforestation. Changes in habitat may affect how monkeys, insects and humans interact, making it easier for diseases like malaria to pass between them. Deforestation could also change the behaviour of wildlife, which could lead to an increase in infection rates. For example, reduced living space increases contact between monkeys, or it may prevent behaviours that help animals to avoid parasites.

Johnson et al. wanted to investigate how the prevalence of malaria in monkeys varies across Southeast Asia to see whether an increase of Plasmodium knowlesi in primates is linked to changes in the landscape. They merged the results of 23 existing studies, including data from 148 sites and 6322 monkeys to see how environmental factors like deforestation influenced the amount of disease in different places.

Many previous studies have assumed that disease prevalence is high across all macaques, monkey species that are considered pests, and in all places. But Johnson et al. found that disease rates vary widely across different regions. Overall disease rates in monkeys are lower than expected (only 12%), but in regions with less forest or more ‘fragmented’ forest areas, malaria rates are higher. Areas with a high disease rate in monkeys tend to further coincide with infection hotspots for humans. This suggests that deforestation may be driving malaria infection in monkeys, which could be part of the reason for increased human infection rates.

Johnsons et al.’s study has provided an important step towards better understanding the link between deforestation and the levels of monkey malaria in humans living nearby. Their study provides important insights into how we might find ways of managing the landscape better to reduce health risks from wildlife infection.




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