Chimpanzees often come together to hunt small monkeys. Image credit: Kazushi Tsutsui (CC BY 4.0)

What does it take to hunt together?

Computer simulations based on artificial intelligence shed light on whether high-level cognitive processes are required for collaborative hunting.

Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2024


From wolves to ants, many animals are known to be able to hunt as a team. This strategy may yield several advantages: going after bigger preys together, for example, can often result in individuals spending less energy and accessing larger food portions than when hunting alone. However, it remains unclear whether this behavior relies on complex cognitive processes, such as the ability for an animal to represent and anticipate the actions of its teammates. It is often thought that ‘collaborative hunting’ may require such skills, as this form of group hunting involves animals taking on distinct, tightly coordinated roles — as opposed to simply engaging in the same actions simultaneously.

To better understand whether high-level cognitive skills are required for collaborative hunting, Tsutsui et al. used a type of artificial intelligence known as deep reinforcement learning. This allowed them to develop a computational model in which a small number of ‘agents’ had the opportunity to ‘learn’ whether and how to work together to catch a ‘prey’ under various conditions. To do so, the agents were only equipped with the ability to link distinct stimuli together, such as an event and a reward; this is similar to associative learning, a cognitive process which is widespread amongst animal species.

The model showed that the challenge of capturing the prey when hunting alone, and the reward of sharing food after a successful hunt drove the agents to learn how to work together, with previous experiences shaping decisions made during subsequent hunts. Importantly, the predators started to exhibit the ability to take on distinct, complementary roles reminiscent of those observed during collaborative hunting, such as one agent chasing the prey while another ambushes it.

Overall, the work by Tsutsui et al. challenges the traditional view that only organisms equipped with high-level cognitive processes can show refined collaborative approaches to hunting, opening the possibility that these behaviors may be more widespread than originally thought — including between animals of different species.



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