
Brenton Walker
Life On The Edge
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2017

Mysterious figure with a dark past. Still exists in the shadows.

Draven, an Arkanian Offshoot, just showed up one day with little memory of his past. He was on Cloud City, searching for leads, when he bumped into a Rath, literally, whom he begged for a chance to prove himself to joing the crew.

After joining the Good Trader crew as a pit mechanic and shooting some assassins in the stands he was brought on full time as a bodyguard by Captain Twil Pinn. Twil threw the best parties and Draven couldn’t help but follow him around partying. Twil bought him two top of the line pistols that seemed to be a natural part of Draven’s arms.

Saving slaves from a remote planet Draven also showed a soft heart. Wrecking everything he came face to face with, Draven felt no fear but only an excitement for life on the rim.

After the Jewel of Yavin went missing Draven disappeared for a few years and joined Garlaug’s (a powerful mob boss) gang. Draven was reunited with the crew of the Sovereign on the Wheel when they showed up one day and dropped a thermal detonator in Garalug’s lap. After a few more strategic missions following Twil around, Draven met someone from his past that he couldn’t say no to. Leaving the crew for the last time, he walked away with The Doctor on Saleucami.

