Enter: Idozzi/Trex, Escaping Mos Shuuta

Chapter I | Episode II | 5/27/2016

Brenton Walker
Life On The Edge
9 min readJun 2, 2016


The Great Mos Shuuta Escape in the Krayt Fang



The RENEGADES are on the run. TEEMO THE HUTT continues to search for the ragtag bunch, a crew consisting of RATH the Chiss, ZANROY the Human, and TWIL the Zeltron. Chaos has erupted in the port town of MOS SHUUTA as they attempt to escape.

Having dispatched their immediate pursuers, and released docking clamps on their escape vessel, they now turn their attention to escaping TATOOINE. After TWIL downs the local water tower, STORMTROOPERS enter the market, standing in their way of confronting CAPTAIN TREX of the KRAYT FANG.

Meanwhile, and unbeknownst to them, a shadowy figure watches their every step…

The Marketplace

Our ragtag bunch sits stunned in front of the exploded water tower in the market square of Mos Shuuta. As the locals rush to see what the panic is about, Zanroy and Rath are able to escape into the shadows of the alleyway, leaving Twil stranded in the middle of the marketplace.

The approaching stormtroopers recognize Twil, emerging from the now dispersed crowd, and yell at him to stop. As the Chiss and Human watch from the shadows, the stormtroopers interrogate the Zeltron.

Imperial troopers storm the market

Pulling out a datapad with some kind of specialized scanner, the troopers are able to identify that this is indeed the Zeltron they’re looking for.

One of the 3 grabs Twil in an effort to restrain him, but in that very moment, blaster shots ring out from the alleyways. Both Rath and Zanroy fire off multiple shots and begin a firefight with the unsuspecting troopers. Taking advantage of this moment, Twil decides to employ a strategic tactical maneuver, the wet noodle. As he drops out of the grip of the guard, Twil’s fellow companions continue to fire off shots. Even R5 joins in the fight, attempting to zap the troopers. Despite its best intentions, it is unable to penetrate the hard white armor of the empire’s finest.

Twil also begins to fight back, drawing his blaster. However, at this moment, the remaining stormtroopers are able to land a square shot on the prone Zeltron, knocking him completely unconscious. With two of the three empire lackeys now downed, the remaining soldier lifts twil up onto his soldiers and begins his attempt to escape, knowing he is outnumbered. Rath, however, will have none of it. He lines up a shot, and blasts the soldier squarely between the soldiers, taking down the white-armored thug.

Twil hits the ground with a puff of tatooine dust, and an eruption of sharp pain in his shoulder. Rath hurries over to check on the Zeltron. With the port’s citizens barely noticing the short encounter, the group has not drawn too much attention. However, no one can seem to understand where the human has run off to…

Before looking for Zanroy, the Chiss picks up the datapad which the troopers had used to interrogate and identify Twil. He is able to hack into the datapad and find out that the stormtroopers are looking for 3 of them before it shuts him out.

A this point, Twil and Rath decide to look for Zanroy, and head towards the alleyway where he was last seen — tripping over some netting that smells like fish (on Tatooine?!). As they enter the alley, they hear a scuffle at the far end, but are unable to discern what’s going on.

Iddozivas — Former Teemo associate, Diplomat, renegade

As they carefully approach they see a female twi’lek interrogating Zanroy. “You need to help me get out of here!” they hear her say before they make themselves known.

The Twi’lek, caught off guard backs away right as Zanroy charges at her, causing him to fall flat on his face. She prepares herself for a fight.

After a few tense moments, Idozzi realizes that this Chiss and Zeltron are companions of Zanroy, and that her only option is to cooperate with them. As the group comes to find out, Idozzi was a high ranking diplomatic officer in Teemo’s court. After many years of being unsatisfied of the vague morality of her position, she decided she had enough, and escaped from Teemo’s palace earlier in the day. She reveals that she had been working with the bounty hunter (Zanroy) in an effort to take out those who had been suspicious of her, but unbeknownst to the group, she had been shadowing them in an effort to escape the port, just as they were. Teemo would surely kill her if he found her.

On her way out of Teemo’s palace, she grabbed what was Teemo’s most valuable possession, an otherworldly datapad with what looked like markings of the empire. It is far too advanced for any of the group to decipher.

Continued talks and negotiation leads the group to decide to allow Idozzi to join them. Her knowledge of the Hutt and his operations would surely increase their chances of escape.

A busy Mos Shuuta

Landing Bay Aurek

Now that the group has released the docking clamps on the Krayt Fang, and eliminated their pursuers, they decide that now is their chance to get out of this blasted port! They slowly make their way through back alleyways and shadows as they approach Landing Bay Aurek where they know they’ll find the docked Krayt Fang.

Captain Trex loading his freighter

As the renegades approached the landing bay, Twil remarks that he has landed here multiple times before on various delivery jobs. Because of this, he was quite familiar with the layout of the port. Knowing it is used for repairs of many craft who land here, he mentions that he knows how to get through the lower maintenance shaft to directly access the hangar bay. The group decides this is their best route, and follows Twill into the maintenance shaft.

At the end of a long, narrow corridor, Twil peers up through the metal grating. Though his vision is blocked, he’s able to tell they’re in the right place — the hanger holding the Krayt Fang.

As the renegades slowly pull themselves up through the grating one by one, they dispersed around the Krayt Fang in hopes of finding a secret way in.

While a few members of the group attempt to remove the panelling underneath the Krayt Fang, Zanroy takes his chances by going around to the loading ramp. Slowly sneaking up to the ramp, he isn’t aware that he’s now been spotted by two of Trex’s droid guards at the base of the ramp. The droids’ robotic warnings to “stop!” and “halt!” go unheeded as he takes off running towards the nearest pile of boxes in an effort to escape.

As Twil watches the whole ordeal unravel, he sneaks onto the now unguarded ramp. As he reaches the interior of the freighter, he finds himself confronted by none other than the imposing Trandoshan Slaver — Trex.

Meanwhile, the others sneak around the other side of the landing bay and spot the open ramp, and decide to follow Twil’s lead into the heart of the Krayt Fang.

As they finish boarding, the droids are still looking for the hidden Zanroy who explodes out from his hiding spot amongst the cargo and various boxes, and attempts to slam the two droids’ heads together. While he nearly accomplishes his goal, he loses his footing just enough to set himself off balance. He is, however, able to slam the two droids heads down into the ground, rattling and stunning them long enough for him to make a run for the ship.

The Krayt Fang in Landing Bay Aurek

Back on board the freighter, Trex is not amused to find newcomers on his ship. He doesn’t recognize this group and is extremely suspicious. “Who are you and how did you get past my droids!?” he demands.

The smooth Zeltron explains that he and his friends are here to deliver the HMRI from Vorn Tel-Ovis. Unpleased that it had taken so long, Trex is skeptical, and demands proof.

Just then, Rath reaches the top of the ramp, with HRMI in hand, just in time to show it to Trex. Trex is confused that it would take so many to deliver a simple part, but demands that the group of mechanics finish fixing up his ship in time for take off. Luckily for the group, he also recognizes the R5 unit from Vorn’s shop which further helps authenticate the veracity of this delivery.

As Trex takes the HRMI to get installed, both Idozii and Zanroy reach the top of the ramp. Twil, now prepping the ship for takeoff, remotely closes the boarding ramp, sealing the renegades inside of the Krayt Fang….with Trex.

Trex uses the ships comms to radio to Phil (Twil’s alias) to see why he closed the ramp. Twil explains that there were some droids and people that showed up outside the ship announced and so he closed the loading ramp. Trex get’s upset because he knows that the empire soldiers will be upset if he doesn’t let them board since he knows that Teemo is in with the Empire. Twil lies and says he will open the door back up.

Trex — Savage Slaver

Trex finishes installing the HRMI and walks over to the ramp control panel. Rath is hiding in the galley at this point and Idozzi is wandering around the ship trying to look inconspicuous. Zanroy, hiding in the corridor to the cockpit pulls out his binders and prepares for a crazy plan to capture Trex. Zanroy launches his attack stealthing up to Trex without his noticing and locks the binders around Trex’s hands before he can even move or notice him. Trex throws his hands against the wall in an attempt to break the binders but instead he slams his body into the wall. Zanroy pulls out his blaster and stuns Trex. Being a very hardy alien species, Trex is only partially stuned but falls to the ground.

At that moment Storm Troopers swarm Landing bay Aruec and start blasting the ramp. Twil punches the thrusters and launches them out of the landing bay and into space as fast as he can.

The Krayt Fang in the landing bay

As the ship breaches atmo the crew scramble to find a place to put Trex. Zanroy tries stunning Trex two more times with only slightly better results. Rath finds a lockable storage closet to put Trex in. There is a loud siren and 4 red dots show up on radar. Twill informs the crew that they have company and they aren’t the kind that stick around for dinner. 4 Tie Fighters are inbound and have weapons charged. Twil puts up the shields and begins evasive maneuvers. He urges the crew to get on the laser cannons and for R5 to get into Engineering. Idozzi drops down the ladder to the laser cannon and puts a hole through the second tie fighters wing. Zanroy decides to use the old fashioned boot technique to knock out Trex. He kicks him in the head right as the ship gets blasted by the tie fighters which does knock out Trex, but also knocks Zanroy to the ground with a hard thunk. Zanroy then is able to stuff Trex into the closet and run to the upper laser cannon. Between R5’s repairing experience and Rath’s mechanical aptitude, they are able to repair the ship back up to full health.

Escaping the Tie gang

The amazing Captain Twill starts into a very odd but effective flight pattern that throws off the battle hardened tie fighters and seems to dodge every plasma bolt they fire at him. Idozzi and Zanroy are surprised that even though the movement patters are throwing off the tie fighters, they are able to get clear shots and take out 3 tie fighters with ease. At that point the HyperDrive is fully charged and Twill launches them into hyperspace.

