Problems aboard, Ryloth arrival, Delivering a bounty

Chapter I | Episode III | 6/3/2016

Brenton Walker
Life On The Edge
11 min readJun 8, 2016


Episode III write-up brought to you by the venerable Captain Zac “Twil” Truscott

The Krayt Fang Departing Tatooine

Episode III — Long Arm of the Hutt

The jump the KRAYT FANG made to
light speed has seen the renegades to
the edge of the TATOOINE SYSTEM
without further incident. Free from
the grasp of TEEMO THE HUTT
and with a whole galaxy theirs to explore,
they most now plot a course through
hyperspace to their next destination.

Before they can do so, a loud kalxon
begins to wail, and the sounds of a
dozen snorting and growling voices
can be heard echoing over the ship’s
PA system. A rank smell permeates
the vessel, and several warning icons
flash across the screens of the
navigational computer’s VDU. As the
KRAYT FANG beings to shudder, it
becomes clear that all is not well
aboard the stolen freighter…

Something Smells on this ship

As the renegades settle into hyperspace traveling through the known universe, our senses relax a little to notice a very uncomfortable smell. Twil programmed the nav computer to take them to Ryloth to sell Trex and refuel. It normally takes 4 hours from Mos Shuuta, but with the old nav maps he has to go the long route. At the moment our noses become attuned to the rankness of said smell the ship’s computer blinks with red alerts all over it. A horrific sound of animals squealing and grunting goes off and with it the klaxon sounds loudly. Three red lights flash (A broken cage icon, a crescent moon/fang icon, the Fuel icon, and an alert in Trandoshan. Rath started looking around and found the smell worsened when he opened cargo bay 1. Zanroy started to look for secret smuggling hatches and found one between the galley and cargo bay 1. As he opened it he found 6 huge festering Wookiee pelts that had not been completely dried out. Rath and Zanroy hauled all of the pelts into cargo bay 2 which had the airlock in it to be able to jettison the pelts.

Festering Wookiee pelts need to go

Meanwhile Twil struggled to turn off the kalxon and animal soundtrack. His first attempt turned off the kalxon but increased the volume 10x on the animal sounds. They caused all of our ears to bleed a bit and on Twil’s third attempt to quiet the horrendous noise he got it turned off. After Twil requested R5’s help in translating the Trandoshan message, he found out that it was a Gumorrean Opera and Trex’s favorite track. Twil pushed the cage button to get a notice that the prisoner B’ura B’an and he is requested to be brought to the empire contact on Mos Shuuta. The Crescent moon/fang button alerts Twil to a Teemo Transmitter that is transmitting their location back to Teemo every 5 min.

As Rath and Zanroy loaded the last pelt Zanroy’s constitution could hold together and he threw up all over the pelts. They left the mess and exited cargo bay 2 and Twil opened the airlock and jettisoned the chunky pelts. They instantly froze and drifted off in space at light speed.

Idozzi continued searching the bays and ended up in cargo bay 3 where she found a fellow Twi’lek loosely tied up and beaten.

Rath joined Twil in the cockpit by Twil’s request to help hack the computer to try and disable the Teemo Transmitter. It takes him two attempts to hack in and when he does he is able to delay transmission to once an hour, but not fully disable it.

Twil finally notices the security camera display and starts clicking through the camera’s on board to find Idozzi entering into cargo bay 3 and talking to an unseen person. He clicks on the comlink to the room so him and Rath can hear.

B’ura B’an

The male Twi’lek introduces himself as B’ura B’an a miner from Ryloth. He asks Idozzi to untie him and inquires about Trex. Idozzi freely tells B’aur that her and her associates have taken the craft from Trex. They are flying to Ryloth. B’ura asks her to let him use the refresher and then he will tell her his story.

B’ura B’an

At that moment Twil (nervous about this unknown man’s intentions and his crew/ship) locks the cargo door and clicks on the comlink to the room. He introduces himself as Captain Twill and requests the Twi’lek to state his situation and intentions. He regales them with a story about how he got here (he’s a revolutioner from the mines and was taken by Trex by request of the Empire) and he would like to return home to help his people. He also tells them that if they help him he will make sure the ship is refueled and repaired for free. He appears to be telling the truth and so Twil asks the crew if they are ok with helping escort B’ura to his home. They agree and settle in for the remaining 5 hour journey.

The Krayt Fang Landing

Upon arrival on Ryloth, B’ura B’an tells the takes the Captain and Crew to his home/hideout below the city of Nabat. The Bay crew begin working aggressively on the ship to repair it, refuel it and remove the transponder. They leave Trex in the Ship locked up.

Entrace to Nabat — Ryloth

Nyn greets B’ura with open arms and surprise. She is very happy to see him. They talk and then she extends an offer to help B’ura return to the mines to help rally/lift moral. She says it will be our payment for further upgrades to our ship and an upgrade to the R5 unit we travel with. We all agree to help and R5 is taken to be cleaned and upgraded. We are set to leave in the morning on B’ura’s speeder to the mines. The inhouse doctor heals our wounds. She is so enamoured by Twils pink presence that she isn’t able to heal him as well as the others.

Who let the Trandoshan out?

That night Zanroy, Rath and Twil set out to sneak Trex off of the ship. Idozzi stays to sleep. (Twill had bought handheld comlinks for everyone in the marked that day). As the three make their way back to the ship they find the ship has had the majority of the work already done to it. With excitement they head to the ship’s ramp. The first attempt to open the ramp there is a clunk and the ramp doesn’t budge. They pull out their blasters as Twil palms the ramp lock and it opens. Zanroy takes off at full speed up the ramp and is knocked unconscious as soon as he steps onto the landing. Twil fires off a shot and hits the back wall. Rath searches the bay for an alternate method of engagement, and comms a sleepy Idozzi for help. Twil is hit square in the chest. He fires once more and hits Trandoshan flesh as he jumps off the ramp and out of blaster fire. Rath spots a fire alarm and takes off towards it.

The night time fight with Trex broke out Inside a landing bay of Nabat similar to this one

Trex having been hit by a blaster and feeling pinned in his ship takes off down the ramp and into the bay. He’s a bit disoriented on where his is for the moment. Twil fires off another shot missing Trex entirely. Rath reaches the fire alarm and pulls it. Nozzles drop from all around the bay and spray thick white extinguishing foam everywhere. Trex is knocked off balance, Rath is a layed out and Twil manages to surf on top of the foam (just like the good old days partying on Zeltron). Twil hit’s Trex twice more with his blaster on stun but it doesn’t seem to knock him down. Zanroy wakes up with a splitting headache and stumbles down the ramp onto the slippery foam.

Idozzi comes running into the bay right and fires a shot at Trex missing him and nearly hitting Twil. Rath shoots a bolt past Twil’s right ear hitting the Trandoshan and Zanroy lands the final knockout blow with his blaster as he stabilizes on the foam.

Trelly — captain of the Nabat’s port guard

The captain of the port’s guard Trelly comes running in with her soldiers as Trex is deposited onto a Repulsor Lift. Trelly is surprised to see the flame extinguishing system activated and a unconscious Trandoshan on a lift. As her temper begins to rise Twil slides over to her and releases his irresistible pheromones and charm. He apologizes for the mess and thanks her for her bravery and help. He also apologizes for the hidden cargo and begs her to help them transport him safely across town. He also tells her he would like to repay her by taking her to dinner at which she blushes (as Twi’lek’s blush) but asks for rain check because she is swamped with her duties as a guard captain. Twil promises that the next time he is on planet that he will show her a spectacular night out.

They successfully make their way to B’ura’s place and stash Trex in a corner. The doctor is awake and helps take care of their wounds.

In the morning they wake to a refreshed B’ura and a newly cleaned and updated R5. He has never looked better. Who knew droids could smell like lavender and Twi’lek fruit. As they go to leave they tell B’ura that they need to make a stop along the way. As B’ura inquires to why, he loses his composure when they reveal Trex sleeping (due to a sedative by the doctor) in the corner. B’ura almost throws the curious bunch out when Twil steps in and brings B’ura to reason. They must dispose of the Trandoshan or else they will all suffer in the long run. They also promise to pay for the mess in the landing bay ($5000 credits, which was a surprise to him). Being persuaded they leave post haste.

Trex’s Bounty

Twil asks Zanroy to keep a blaster pointed at Trex as they fly and then proceeds to take the pilot seat. They cruise to the previously appointed location that Zanroy set with the bounty on his com. As they approach they find that this small crevice in this large mountain is a great place to be ambushed. Feeling a bit nervous they pull up to the opening. A voice rings out asking them to show Trex. Zanroy punches Trex in the stomach breaking a rib and causing a fit of coughing in the subject.

The battle at the old Lylek Den

The Voice says to pull Trex off of the speeder and have only Zanroy accompany him. Zanroy asks for 100,000 credits and the voice laughs. He says he is from the empire and knows of the bounty we have. Twil get’s nervous cause he knows he is on their list and tells Zanroy to tread carefully. We do not want more storm troopers on our backs. Zanroy asks for 50,000. A heavy blaster rifles fires a shot from the crevice and knocks out the gravity modulator on the speeder. The speeder hits the dirt. Zanroy pushes the repulsor lift towards the entrance of the crevice as a bandit walks towards it with his blaster out. We are all a little confused because we were expecting a storm trooper to walk out. Zanroy fires off a shot and hits the bandit square in the shoulder. Twil launches himself off of the speeder hitting the bandit with a blast from his pistol. Zanroy dodge’s 3 shots (from inside the hideout) as he runs for Trex’s unconscious body. Rath notices that the repair on the speeder shouldn’t take too long and him and R5 get to work. Idozzi fires off a couple shots but none hit home. Zanroy kills the first bandit and starts digging through his pockets finding a datapad and his blaster. He is then gunned down and put unconscious by the wounds he takes. Twil fires off a shot down the crevice and hits no one, while he takes cover behind the opening.

Rath fixes the speeder with his help and the craft whirs to life lifting off the ground spilling off sand. Idozzi fires off more shots some hitting bandits others hitting rocks blasting them off the cliff walls. Twil does a drive by stimpack injection into Zanroy and then takes cover. Zanroy feeling the relief from the stimpack stands up right as an unseen bandit comes running out of the cave screaming. Zanroy points his blaster at Trex’s head and blasts him. No, Trex does not die, but wakes up and rolls off of the repulsor lift. He breaks his feet bracers and stands up. A distinct roar for this Twi’lek planet is unleashed and screams of the other bandits in the crevice are heard. Zanroy shoots Trex and knocks him down. Idozzi shoots Trex as he goes to stand which puts him off balance. Rath stands up and fires a shot at Trex which makes him faceplant it into the sand. At that moment the giant Lylek emerges from the crevice still hungry and irritated from being woken up (due to loose blaster shots rocking the cliff face). Zanroy asks Idozzi to kindly scootch over and fires off a shot at Trex’s head. It hits it’s mark. Trex is officially dead.

A Lylek gets dinner, and Trex gets what he deserves

Zanroy runs and jumps in the speeder as the monster starts it’s second course on the downed bandit and Trandoshan. Twil punches the accelerator on the speeder and notices the bandit that came screaming out of the cave. He cranks on the wheel just in time to nail the fleeing bandit in the back of the head. As they hear a thud they look back to see the bandit face first in the sand.

We leave Captain Twil and his crew cruising through the desert towards the mine and certain adventure.

