A Strong Global Community for Asgardia

Asgardia Space Nation
4 min readSep 4, 2018

One of the most common questions that we get about Asgardia is, “If you’re a space nation, where do your residents come from?” And our answer to that is, “Everywhere.”

Asgardia would like to give a voice to all residents from every region of the world. That includes every small city and town where Asgardians are residing. But how will all these regions be represented? Asgardia is creating a network of Mayors to ensure representation of Asgardians and the building of strong Asgardian communities all around the world. So there’s just one question to ask you: “How would YOU like to be Mayor of your region?”

Why Become a Mayor of Asgardia?

Today, Asgardia has residents from all over the world and countless enquiries from potential new residents about how they can join. So now, Asgardia wants to start to build inroads into the global communities, creating ties to areas much smaller than countries or states. It’s time to get local!

Effective local representation is just as important as our Asgardian parliament and government. We want the individual residents of Asgardia to feel like they have a voice, and to that end, we will be electing hundreds of Mayors from all regions. These Mayors will be there to act as Asgardia representatives for the towns and cities where our residents live.

What Would My Responsibilities Be?

As a Mayor of Asgardia, it will be your responsibility to build community ties between Asgardia and local businesses, universities, and professionals in your town or city. It will also be important to build a sense of community between Asgardia residents. As we are a space nation with residents all around the world, it can sometimes be a bit isolating to people who don’t live nearby many of their fellow residents. It will be your job as Mayor to start building local networks, bringing local Asgardians together to create a sense of community.
Another significant responsibility of being a Mayor will be to bring new residents into Asgardia from your town and region of responsibility. Community bonds are important. The only way that we can create them is to grow our local populations. If elected, you would be working directly with the Administration of the Head of Nation and coordinating with the central branches of government to give those residents in your area, both old and new, a real voice in how Asgardia continues to develop.

Thankfully, you don’t have to do this alone. Alongside the guidance that the Administration of the Head of Nation will provide, the Parliament will review an option to allocate a budget to run your Mayoral office and support your community activities.You will be able to appoint your own deputies and PR managers to advance the cause of Asgardia and get the word out. In other words, this isn’t a ceremonial position. As a Mayor of Asgardia, you will have real responsibilities, along with benefits including invitations to exclusive, official Asgardian events around the world.

How Do I Get Elected?

If you are a resident of Asgardia over the age of 18, you can qualify as a Mayoral candidate. To become a Mayor, your region must have a population of at least 100 Agardians. If you live in a smaller area without many Asgardians, you will be given the opportunity to nominate yourself in a bigger, nearby city. You must pay an initial registration fee of 100 euros and create a detailed campaign profile, including your name, platform, and a short introduction video.

The process of elections will be based on three criteria:

- The total number of votes you get from existing residents

- The total number of new residents who you brought to Asgardia

- The quality of your electoral campaign

Time is running out! Don’t wait, act now!

The clock is ticking but it’s not too late to run for Mayor. Our Head of Nation, Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli, is calling for you to step up for your region.

Once you’ve entered your candidacy, you can reach out to your fellow residents through social media and other Asgardian channels, including your personal Asgardia.space blog, to find support and votes. For new recruits, you will be given a unique link that you can give out to anyone who wishes to become a resident. If they join Asgardia through this link, you will be given credit for their residency. And finally, you will need to run a quality campaign that incorporates your efforts to reach out to your town or city. You’ll be given credit for holding events, connecting with local businesses, reaching out to the media, and really make an impact on the people of your region.

When Are Elections Being Held?

Right now! But don’t worry, you still have time to enter the running. Mayoral elections started on August 1st and will continue until September 9th. Once the polls have closed, we will be counting the votes from September 9th to the 17th.

To become a candidate for Mayor, or simply get information on how to vote for your local Mayoral candidate, you can visit our Regional Mayor Election page. We look forward to working with you to grow our nation and put down roots in many of the wonderful communities, all around the world! Best of luck to all of our candidates!

