Blockchain Wednesday: Week 19.09–26.09
Asgardia Space Nation
3 min readSep 27, 2018

The World Economic Forum has released a report outlining how blockchain could potentially solve a number of environmental problems. Identifying 65 use cases in which blockchain can be applied and eight “game-changer” cases for complete disruption of the current approaches, it highlights a set of challenges that need to be addressed and the opportunities that are yet to be unlocked.

Some of the game-changers outlined in the report are: Circular Economy Incentives, Decentralised Resource Management, Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Relief, and more.

So what is blockchain?

A blockchain is a database that is shared across a network of hundreds of computers. Once a record has been added to the chain it is almost impossible to alter it. Plus, as a way to make sure all copies of the database are the same, the network makes constant verifications.

It’s transparent and immutable nature makes it very beneficial to many different industries.

For example, Malaysia’s three largest industries are renewable energy, palm oil, and Islamic finance. Currently, the Malaysian government has created a task force called the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) to lead the move to adopt blockchain technology for each industry.

The task force is looking into how blockchain technology can increase transparency, sustainability, and logistical efficiency in each industry, as per a recently published report.

Using blockchain to increase transparency, sustainability, and logistical efficiency could benefit Asgardia as they work toward their goal of setting up habitable platforms in low-Earth orbit.

Moreover, football clubs can be a lot of fun for fans. However, they aren’t without issue. For instance, there are often problems with fan engagement, ticket scalping and, paying the player’s salaries. However, football clubs are now starting to employ blockchain technology as an innovative way to deal with these problems.

Lastly, Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain is the first blockchain-funded, blockchain-distributed, and blockchain-focused documentary. The film is directed by Alex Winter, produced by Futurism Studios and SingularDTV, and narrated by Rosario Dawson. Trust Machine is a wide-reaching documentary film on the global growth of the decentralization movement, and now the full-length trailer is here.

The President of Futurism Studios, Geoff Clark, explains the importance of this documentary and why it will have a major impact on audiences globally by stating that as the first-ever film about blockchain, he believes it’s crucial for people to understand the real-life human impacts blockchain is having on society.

Clark added that the documentary features a diverse group of thought leaders, pioneers in the blockchain, and even critics, who all come together to explain what the future may hold concerning this unproven technology. Similar to the innovation of the internet, blockchain technology has the potential to reach all aspects of society.

If you’re on top of blockchain news and love the way technology can improve our lives (or be used to help us live in space) then join Asgardia today and connect with businesses, innovators, and forward-looking people.

