CSU Unveils New Smart Solution for the Verification of Space Equipment

Asgardia Space Nation
1 min readNov 14, 2018

This past Friday, the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization (CSU) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences unveiled a smart solution for ensuring that all space equipment parts are functional and in proper working order.

When selecting space equipment parts the process involves reliability verification, data collection, transmission, and comparison.

The CSU’s new smart solution will work to shorten the time needed to verify the reliability of space equipment, improve the quality of components, and reduce the costs of this verification. As a result of the new solution, the selection process is also anticipated to be cut down to a mere five minutes.

Over half of quality problems are caused by faulty components, according to Gao Ming, the director of the CSU, adding that smart verification needed improving.

Gao explained that new technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence should be used to power the smart management of the use and reliability of space equipment, as a way to back the high-quality development of space science and application.


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