Asgardia Space Nation
2 min readSep 5, 2018


Five weeks of the Mayoral Elections. Statistics at the finish line

Mayoral elections are coming to an end in Asgardia.

The 5th week is over and only several days to take part.

In many districts, especially in big cities with a large Asgardian community, candidates are fighting vigorously to get more voters on their side.

The mayoral elections are taking place in dozens of countries, hundreds of cities, on all five inhabited continents. It’s not surprising that candidate platforms contain differing and even sometimes surprising suggestions. Many of these suggestions are directly tied to the needs of the community. However, in the course of the election process, candidates came up with a good number of ideas useful to the entire nation of Asgardia.

Although the elections’ finale is nearing, every resident still has an opportunity to participate:

Nominate yourself ;

Vote for your candidates;

Discuss candidates and their programs via Asgardia forum or facebook page

In the meantime, let’s take a look at the 35 days statistics of the mayoral elections in Asgardia.

