Happy birthday, Asgardia! A Timeline of Asgardia’s First Two Years

Asgardia Space Nation
9 min readOct 12, 2018

Asgardia has turned two! We congratulate all Asgardians on the First Space Nation’s birthday and invite you to look back at Asgardia’s journey during this time.

A timeline of Asgardia’s first two years.

12 October 2016 (5 October 0000)– The creation of Asgardia is announced.

On 12 October 2016 (5 October 0000), during a press conference at the Ritz hotel in Paris, Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli announced the creation of a Space Nation — the first in the history of humanity.

“Now, we have decided to create the first-ever Space Nation — this is a global, unifying and humanitarian project. Is it pioneering, futuristic and visionary — or madness? Call it what you will, and time will tell”.

12 November 2016 (8 November 0000) — The main goals are outlined.

The first address by Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli is published on the site Asgardia.space, specifying the various goals for the development of the First Space Nation.

Asgardia’s founder announced that during the first 40 hours after the announcement of the creation of Asgardia, 50,000 people joined; in the first 20 days, the number of Asgardians reached 100,000.

20 January 2017 (20 January 0001) — The first Decree.

The founder of the Space Nation, Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli, issues Decree №1, based on the votes of more than 150,000 Asgardians. According to the Decree, he assumes the position of Asgardia’s Head of Nation.

6 March 2017 (9 March 0001) — Asgardia’s calendar.

With Decree №2, Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli confirms the new Asgardian calendar and presents it for review for the future Parliament of the Space Nation. According to the document, every month of the Asgardian calendar has 28 days and, altogether, the calendar has 13 months per year. The new month, which is named Asgard, is between June and July. The Decree also proposes three official holidays of the Space Nation: Asgardia’s birthday on 12 October (5 October), Asgardian National Unity Day on 18 of June (1 Asgard) and Year Day on 31 December.

The Decree, issued on 6 March 2017 by the Gregorian calendar, is dated 9 March 0001 by the new Asgardian chronology.

17 March 2017 (20 March 0001) — Unified Voting Day.

Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli issues Decree №3, establishing the Unified Voting Day on 18 June 2017 (1 Asgard 0001). This day is the national holiday of the First Space Nation — Asgardian Unity Day.

27 March 2017 (2 April 0001) — Asgardian Declaration of Unity.

Asgardia’s Declaration of Unity is presented for public discussion. It states that “Asgardia is a free and unified Space Nation”.

30 March 2017 (5 April 0001) — The project outlining the main chapters of the Asgardian Constitution.

A project concerning the main chapters of Asgardia’s Constitution is presented for public discussion. According to the project, the Constitution must contain eight chapters. On a forum created specifically for these purposes, active discussions begin about the main document of the First Space Nation.

13 June 2017 (24 June 0001) — Head of Nation press conference in Hong Kong.

Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli gives a press conference in Hong Kong. During the press conference, he discusses the first seven months of building Asgardia.

At the same time, he announces the launch of the Asgardia-1 satellite in the coming autumn months.

Dr. Ashurbeyli remarks that the satellite will be a foundation for Asgardia that will allow, in the future, the creation of a satellite cluster of the Space Nation, which will enable the protection of Earth from asteroids, solar flares, technogenic contamination of outer space and other space threats.

18 June 2017 (1 Asgard 0001) — The Constitution of Asgardia Project.

On Asgardia’s Unity Day, Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli presents the Constitutionproject for discussion among Asgardians. The main law of the Space Nation contains 20 chapters and 50 articles. The Constitution establishes Asgardia’s goals, supreme values, basic rights and freedoms of its citizens, and determines its governmental structure.

9 September 2017 (28 August 0001) — Constitution of Asgardia is accepted.

The Constitution of Asgardia is accepted by the majority of Asgardians. According to the results of the voting — which began on the nation’s Unity Day on 18 June 2017 (1 Asgard 0001) — 72.5% of Asgardians who participated voted for accepting the constitution. In total, more than 140,000 residents from 203 countries took part in voting.

10 September 2017 (29 August 0001) — Head of Nation takes office.

Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli issues Decree №10, in which he announces his assumption of office as the Head of Nation based on the Constitution of Asgardia. By the same Decree, he confirms the composition of the Administration of the Head of Nation of Asgardia. Also, by this decree, the main symbols of the First Space Nation — its flag, anthem and coat of arms — are approved on a temporary basis, pending the according law passed by Parliament.

In addition, the Head of Nation orders the Central Electoral Commission to conduct parliamentary elections in Asgardia within six months.

12 October 2017 (5 October 0001) — Press conference in Moscow.

Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli holds a press conference in Moscow dedicated to the first anniversary of Asgardia. He announces the preparations for the parliamentary elections, in which Asgardians must elect 150 Members of Parliament from 12 districts formed on the basis of language.

In addition, the Head of Nation announces the registration of NGO Asgardia in Vienna, which will represent the First Space Nation on planet Earth until its nationhood is recognised.

Dr. Ashurbeyli also states that an investment company, Asgardia AG, has been registered in Vienna with the starting capital of €1 million, and that the future currency unit of the Asgardian currency system, the Solar, has been registered by the European Union Intellectual Property Office.

12 November 2017 (8 November 0001) — The launch of the Asgardia-1 satellite.

The Asgardia-1 satellite is successfully launched from the Wallops flight facility in Virginia, USA, on the Cygnus cargo spacecraft. Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli was present at the launch.

The satellite was launched into space exactly 13 months after Dr. Ashurbeyli announced the creation of Asgardia in Paris.

The Asgardia-1 satellite contains the Constitution of Asgardia, the national symbols of the First Space Nation, and Asgardians’ data. Thus, Asgardia gains its own sovereign territory.

7 December 2017 (5 December 0001) — Asgardia-1 satellite enters orbit.

The satellite, with the Nation’s symbols and Asgardians’ data on board, enters orbit and sends its first message, “Hello, Igor”, greeting the Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli. The foundation for Asgardia’s permanent presence in space and an orbital space cluster of the First Space Nation has been laid.

1 February 2018 (4 February 0002) — Parliamentary elections commence.

Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli signs Decree №14 on holding elections for the Parliament of Asgardia. The final voting period for electing the MPs was scheduled for 1–9 March 2018 (4–12 March 0002). 1 April 2018 (7 April 0002) is announced as the day the final results will be tallied up. According to the Constitution, 150 people are elected as Members of Parliament according to the language principle and in proportion to the 12 official languages of Asgardia. These are: English, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Italian, Russian, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, German and Farsi. As a result, 12 districts have been formed, as well as an additional 13th district for representatives of all other languages.

1 April 2018 (7 Аpril 2018 ) — The parliamentary election results.

Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli signs Decree №16, “On the results of the elections to the first Parliament of Asgardia”, in which he confirms the results of the recent elections.

The Decree also states that not all candidates were able to fulfill the mandatory requirements of the CEC in a timely manner and, as a result, empty seats remain in Parliament. There are 100 elected MPs, out of the required 150.

For this reason, Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli announces by-elections to the Parliament of Asgardia, designated to take place during the period of 16 April-16 May 2018 (22 April-24 May 0002).

20 May 2018 (28 May 0002) — Parliamentary elections conclude.

Decree №17 on the final results of the elections to the first Parliament of Asgardia is published. The Head of Nation declares the election valid. The Decree emphasizes that the final list of the Members of Parliament will be confirmed after the personal verification at the first parliamentary session, which will be attended by MPs in person and will take place on 24 June in Vienna.

24 June 2018 (7 Asgard 0002) — The first Asgardian parliamentary session takes place in Vienna.

The first-ever Asgardian parliamentary session takes place. One hundred and eight Members of Parliament from 40 countries are present.

The first law passed at the session was the Act of the First Parliament of Asgardia, which was immediately signed by the Head of Nation. Also, the Chairman of the Parliament of Asgardia was elected at the first session — Lembit Opik, an experienced parliamentarian from the UK. The session lasted almost 12 hours, with short breaks. Nine teams of interpreters provided their services in English, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Arabic and French.

24 June 2018 (7 Asgard 0002) — Supreme Justice of Asgardia is appointed.

By signing Decree №19, Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli appoints Mr. Yun Zhao as the Supreme Justice, in accordance with the Constitution.

25 June 2018 (8 Asgard 0002) — The Inauguration of the First Head of Nation.

The inauguration of the First Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli takes place in Vienna, the capital of Austria, at the Hofburg Palace.

In his Inauguration speech, the Head of Nation declared: “Asgardia is a truly avant-garde, technocratic and futuristic state. But we call it a space kingdom. Because, first and foremost, Asgardia is a reflection of humanity’s beautiful and ancient dream of a divine and peaceful land in Heaven, a place that people have always striven so ardently to reach. A place where there is no pain or hatred, just love and joy. Is not this romantic vision of the free human spirit more important than the pragmatism of our entire world on Earth? Isn’t it beautiful? Of course, we are not the best. But we are the future!”

1 August 2018 (17 July 0002) — Asgardia’s mayoral elections begin.

Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli signs Decree №20, announcing the commencement of the mayoral elections of the First Space Nation.

According to the Decree, mayors must be elected in all cities in which more than 100 Asgardians reside.

9 September 2018 (28 August 0002) Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli turns 55.

9 September 2018 (28 August 0002). Constitution Day.

On Asgardia’s Constitution Day, by his Decrees Nos. 22 and 23, the Head of Nation directs Parliament to review the Act on the Enactment of Legislative Acts and the Asgardia Citizenship Law.

1 October 2018 (22 September 0002). Asgardia halts accepting all donations from residents and followers.

In accordance with Decree №25 by the Head of Nation from 1 October 2018, Asgardia halts accepting all donations from residents and followers. The Decree states that during the period 10–12 October 2018 (3–5 October 0002), the Parliament of Asgardia, at the request of the Head of Nation, will review the Asgardia Citizenship Law, which will regulate the amounts, terms and rules for the acceptance of any fees and payments.

10–12 October 2018 (3–5 October 0002). The first-ever digital session of the Parliament of Asgardia takes place.

The Parliament of Asgardia sits for its first digital session on 10th-12th of October 2018 (3rd-5th of October 0002).

12 October 2018 (5 October 0002) The First Space Nation Asgardia celebrates its second birthday.

In connection with this occasion, Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli remarked: “Two years is such a short time for a new and unique Space Nation. But we’ve already accomplished a lot. From an idea and a dream, Asgardia has turned into a functioning Nation that has more than a million followers, its own Constitution, the flag, anthem and coat of arms, a Parliament and other government bodies, as well as its own territory on a satellite.”

Congratulations, Asgardia!

To learn more visit our official website Asgardia.Space

