The Mayoral Elections are a great opportunity for women
Asgardia Space Nation
5 min readAug 14, 2018

Would you like women to have a stronger voice? Now is the opportunity!

Here on Earth, women were locked out of positions of power for centuries. But not in Asgardia. Asgardia is leaving the past behind including Earthly inequalities, and the nation is looking towards a bright future where women are encouraged to step up and take an equal stand.

Gender equality is an essential part of Asgardian society. In Asgardia, everyone is equal. A fundamental tenet of Asgardia is that there is no prejudice against any gender, race, sexual orientation, or Earthly religion. While reaching gender equality should be a goal of every nation on Earth, everyone who identifies as female in Asgardia has a fresh opportunity to take the first steps in a nation with true equality.

And that’s why we are calling on all the women of Asgardia to let their voices be heard. Asgardia is now taking the next step on our journey as the first space nation in human history; The Mayoral Elections. This is a genuine chance for the women of Asgardia to shine.

Since the founding of Asgardia, Asgardians have been calling for ways to directly support the nation and help build the vision that our Head of Nation, Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli, has set forth. That time has now come on an unprecedented scale, and this is an especially opportune moment for women who would like to see more representation in leadership.

The Benefits of Running for Mayor

Although the current gender ratio of Asgardians is currently weighted towards men, that is not the case regarding our leadership and organizational structure. Many women are in positions of power and authority in Asgardia. We have many women working behind the scenes to help shape Asgardia’s future.

As an Asgardian Mayor, you will get to join the ranks of women who are driving the development of the nation. Once elected, you will take up an official position in the first-ever space nation and run your own mayoral office for an entire calendar year, becoming directly involved in Asgardia’s growth and working directly with the Head of Nation’s administration.

You will receive a budget to help run your office and support your activities, and you can manage your office by appointing your own deputies and PR managers.

Not only will you get to coordinate with central branches of government and work on the things that matter to the women of Asgardia; you will also benefit from the challenge of building a brand-new nation and be able to attend exclusive, official Asgardian events.

The Importance of Your Campaign

If you’d like to see,the female population of Asgardia grow, then the Mayoral Elections offer the perfect opportunity to take action. To become your city’s mayor, winning will be based on three criteria:

  1. The total number of votes that you get from existing citizens and residents
  2. The total number of new residents who joined Asgardia by your referral link
  3. The quality of your electoral campaign

By running a strong campaign, you can get the word out about Asgardia to more people, especially the women in your life — your sister, mother, professor, colleague, friend, partner, etc.

During your campaign it’s not enough to just go online and start sharing your unique link with people. Successful candidates will be those that consider how they can reach out to people near them, hold events, network with businesses, reach out to local media, and think ‘outside the box’ to create an impression on their region and the election commission.

So this creates the perfect chance to reach out to new people, and especially women. Tell them all about Asgardia and the unique chance for women to join a nation that isn’t just trying to correct inequalities but that values complete equality from day one of its inception.

The best part? As an Asgardian Mayor, you will have the chance to implement new ideas and make a real change.

What Will My Responsibilities be as Mayor?

Mayors will truly become the heart of their cities and build up a real ‘grass roots’ movement that will help humanity break out of the geopolitical cycle, and start to focus on ‘space politics.’

As mayor you will be responsible for anchoring and organizing local communities of Asgardians, performing an important role in reaching out to new Asgardians, especially women, and forging meaningful relationships with local businesses, universities, and professionals.

You will also get to manage relations with local media, press, publications, and websites creating a space where issues that matter to Asgardians can be heard across the world. You will help raise funds so that Asgardia can continue to grow and achieve its vision of peaceful habitation of space for everyone.

Am I Eligible to Run for Mayor?

If you are at least 18 years old, willing to run the office, and ready to fulfill the Mayoral responsibilities to the best of your ability for at least one calendar year, and you can pay the initial registration fee of 100 euro, then you are eligible to run.

This fee is to encourage the candidate’s sincerity and intention to commit to government work and is common in most democracies.

Furthermore, to become a qualified candidate, your Asgardia profile must be up to date with accurate information including name, address, location, profile picture, and any supporting documents; in addition to submitting a campaign introduction video.

So if you meet all the requirements visit our official Elections of Asgardia’s Regional Mayors page to learn more.

Run for Mayor Today

For all Asgardian women who believe in breaking out of the negative cycle of geopolitics, who believe in building a peaceful nation in space, and who want to become directly involved in building the nation, now is your time to act. The top candidates that run the best campaigns, have the most votes, and do the most good for the nation will be selected to become official representatives of Asgardia in their localities and will report directly to the Head of Nation’s administration. Click here for more information on how you can run for Mayor. Elections close on September 9th, 2018 so don’t wait to get involved.

