How to enjoy your foodie holiday and NOT come home fat

Tara Fitness 🔥 Minimalist Solopreur
Life On The Road
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2018
“Three people on a sunrise hike up El Hoyo Volcano” by Tim Foster on Unsplash

On Wednesday I’m going to Wales!!!

I’m really excited about this trip. Although I’ve been to England, Scotland and Ireland, I’ve never made it Wales. I’ve heard the food is great, the scenery is spectacular and it’s the adventure sports capital of the UK… I might not come back lol.

Not only am I excited about Wales, but I also feel quite relaxed, unlike the lead up to previous holidays.

You see, I’ve always had a bad habit of eating my way through new places. Let’s be honest, I still do.

But I no longer eat everything in sight… and I no longer come home a few kgs heavier.

This is the third holiday I’ve been on since starting my coaching program (not just offering it to clients but also doing the program myself). I feel relaxed because, having been on holiday twice this year already, I’ve tried and tested my healthier habits and I know they work.

They work whether:

I’m at home following my regular routine… or

Renting an apartment in Scotland with some cooking facilities… or

Staying in a tiny hotel room in Paris and eating out for every meal.

These habits work so well because they’re flexible; and so they should be!

The fact is, you will always be invited to special events and you’ll continue to go on holidays.

So why choose a weight loss plan that only works when you’re at home, following your strict routine?

There’s a simple answer…


Choose something that works instead — like this…



Tara Fitness 🔥 Minimalist Solopreur
Life On The Road

Teaching you how to get leads in DMs without being a dick / Documenting my journey as a Minimalist Solopreneur