
Life on the Run
Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2017

Well, I have wanted to try this for a long while now: moving my blog to Medium. I think I’ve finally figured out how to do this: by setting up what they refer to as a “Publication.” Let’s see how this goes.

This blog will fundamentally mirror my old one, and if all goes well, I will port my old posts here as well.

It’s “mission” will be to — not really have a mission. I will do exactly as I have done for just about the last decade now (!) — write about whatever the hell comes to me at that particular point in time.

Those who know me know I am constantly in motion, whether it’s traveling for work, running/swimming or simply trying to keep up with my kids. Suffice to say, I am always on the run in one way or another and this blog will try to mirror that motif in terms of both its name and content.

But more often then not, you’ll probably find that running will be the most common subject. Hope you’re all ok with that. And thanks for coming on board with me!



Life on the Run

Public relations professional; dad of two kids; interests include endurance sports (triathlon, open water swimming and ultra running)