Judy Blume Saved my Life

She answered the questions you were too embarrassed to ask.

Elizabeth Bolton
Life on Your Terms.


I grew up in a household where we didn’t really talk about personal matters of growing up. I mean, yeah at some point my mother told me about my period and showed me what to do when it happened but it wasn’t something we had conversations about. I think this was probably more because of me than her as I was a very shy child and rarely talked to anyone about anything.

And then I found Judy Blume and she turned my world around. Are you there God it’s me, Margaret? is still one of the most life-changing books I have ever read.

Throughout my life books and writing have been my answers and my way of asking questions. It isn’t easy for me to talk to others about matters of personal importance and I have always preferred to read about a health matter than to talk about it. Writing lets me say things without me actually having to talk to others. Both things have always made me uncomfortable and I never seem to get it out it the right way or to convey what I mean.

I was an awkward pre-teen who really didn’t fit it. I was a tomboy and I developed before everyone else. I hid the fact that I had started my period for over a year so no one would think I was a freak of nature. Also, girls at that age can get jealous of the silliest things…



Elizabeth Bolton
Life on Your Terms.

I am a writer, vet, absolutely a geek, and now an aspiring artist as I learn to draw. I will write just about anything. Sometimes serious, generally satirical