The Dance

Life’s journey

Elizabeth Bolton
Life on Your Terms.


Photo by Drew Graham on Unsplash

Garth Brooks song “The Dance” is the perfect example of living life to it’s fullest and being grateful for all that comes along. The outcome is not the important part but the journey.

“I’m glad I didn’t know the way it all would go, the way it all would end”

Garth Brooks, The Dance

This statement is so true. At the time we are going through the trauma, we would probably give anything to change it or make it better.

But later on, once the pain has passed a bit and you can reflect, a lot of times you can see that you wouldn’t change anything.

Our lives are a collection of ups and downs. All of these experiences serve to make us the people that we are throughout our lives. As time goes by, most of us will change due to these experiences.

“I could have missed the pain but I would have had to miss the Dance.”

Garth Brooks, The Dance

This has been one of my motto’s that has gotten me past some difficult times. There are indeed some points in my life that I would have preferred hadn’t happened. But the point of this statement is that without those, I would have missed things that…



Elizabeth Bolton
Life on Your Terms.

I am a writer, vet, absolutely a geek, and now an aspiring artist as I learn to draw. I will write just about anything. Sometimes serious, generally satirical