3 Daily Habits That Changed Me Completely (With Proof)

Midhun Areeckal
Life Planner Guide
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2023

Life is full of surprises — some good and some bad. We all go through different phases in our lives, and our habits play a major role in shaping us into the person we are today. Some of us have developed good habits that have positively impacted our lives, while others have developed habits that have hindered our growth.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the three daily habits that I have implemented, which have changed me completely. These habits have helped me become more disciplined and organized, and I hope they can do the same for you.

Waking Up Early

Ahh! Same old wake-up early tip!

But believe me, it’s life-changing to have it as a habit. It may not seem important to you right now, but having the habit of waking up early can help you plan for your day. You’ll feel relaxed and motivated to do something productive and to build something new in your life.

It’s not enough to wake up for just one day or a week, you have to develop it as a habit. So, take your phone and set the alarm. That’s the first step.

But don’t be in a hurry. In the first two weeks, it’s best not to overload yourself with work. Do nothing but get up and start your day. You can easily continue watching the same Netflix show from the night before. That’s it.

When you’re used to getting up early, you’ll be able to plan for other things. That’s when you can start your day with a fresh start.

Be patient!

My Daily Habit Tracker (Updated date 10th March 2023)

Expert Tip: Start slow. Develop the habit of waking up early before planning other activities.

Meditating for 10 Minutes

Waking up early is just the beginning of a journey to a peaceful and organized life. Once you have been able to stick to a schedule of waking up early for at least a week, you’re ready to start your meditation practice. Don’t rush into it, start with just 2 minutes a day and gradually increase the duration as you go. This is important because it helps you to stick to it as a habit rather than something you do for excitement. 10 to 20 minutes of meditation a day is enough for you to start feeling the amazing peace of mind it brings.

Meditation can have a profound impact on your life, helping you to be more focused and distraction-free. A great tip to make the most of your meditation practice is to get into a sitting position. This will help to give your body and mind a structure to follow which will make the process easier to stick to.

Watch this video — it helps you understand how you have to sit on for meditating.

Here is the meditation music I listen to in my 10 minutes daily meditation session, it’s really relaxing.

10 Minutes Mediation Music

Listing Out Daily Tasks Based on Priority

Creating a daily task is the final and most crucial habit. But, it is important to remember that there is a right way and a wrong way of doing this.

The wrong thing to do is to just write down everything you have to do and try to do it in the order you wrote it down. This doesn’t help you decide what to do first and just makes you feel more stressed out.

To make a good daily task list, you should put the tasks in order of how important they are. This will help you focus on the most important tasks first and make sure you finish them on time.

My Task Planner (categorized on a priority basis)

I use the Eisenhower Matrix system to plan out both personal and business tasks for each day. It helps me stay on top of things and keep my attention on the most important tasks.

Businesses Task — Other team members collaborate on this

Expert tip: Reward yourself once a task is completed and make sure that you don’t overstress yourself to finish a task.

After a while of creating task lists, you’ll find your own pace and rhythm of completing them.

What Now?

Do it! Take action!

These 3 habits helped me a lot to understand myself as a person and a businessman. Helped me organize my life much better than how it was earlier.

If you can bring this to your life, I 100% believe you can make it too.

Have a wonderful day, my friend!

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Midhun Areeckal
Life Planner Guide

Founder & CEO at Startup Writer | Social Entrepreneur | Creative Director at Life Planner Guide