Exhale Gratitude.

Life Planner
Life Planner
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2021

A wise man once said, “Small seeds of gratitude will produce a harvest of hope.” It is not joy or the best days happening for us that make us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful. Do you aim at having a happier month? Say Thank you. We take these eight letters for granted yet they hold the power to break or make our days. Appreciate that man who opens the door to your office building every morning, say thank you to the lady who puts energy in making sure your house is clean.

This February, I challenge you to send out at least one gratitude note to someone who has added value, happiness, made your life easier and so much more. You would love someone to appreciate you right? Start by doing it for others.

Your first thought in the morning should be Thank you because your waking up was not assured so be content. Practicing the art of gratitude allows you to have a predominant habit of seeking and finding the good in life.

Today is not just Thankful Thursday, make everyday a Thankful Day.



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