Wellness December.

Life Planner
Life Planner
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2021

Happy New Month! Welcome to the 12th chapter of 2021, time flies so fast, right?

When you are at the last lap, you run like your life depends on it because it’s the final, you are getting there and you see it. Treat this December like that, you are almost there. You are thirty days away to register this year as the past. Take care of your entire well being while at it because you dont want to enter a new year while burnt out.

Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. Your wellness is not only physical but also emotional, spiritual, social, financial, intellectual, and occupational.

Emotional Wellness is paying attention to both positive and negative feelings and understanding how to handle these emotions. With this knowledge, you learn yourself and how to make the best decisions!

Financial Wellness, The name says it all. How best are you with handling money? What kind of person are you around money? Keeping track of your expenses is healthy, Make budgets before spending. Be financially responsible and this will teach you how to handle stressful situations in the future!

Intellectual Wellness; What are you feeding your mind and brain? What are you learning each and every day? What are you reading?Whatever seed you are planting in your mind is definitely going to grow.

Occupational Wellness; What kind of work do you do on a daily? Are you happy and content with it? Endeavor to work in a way that fits in your personal learning style because all that is done with love is done well. Make it a goal to feel good at the end of the day after your work accomplishments!

Physical Wellness; Make good and healthy choices when it comes to your body. Prevention has always been better than cure, Eat well, Drink water, Sleep enough, Exercise a bit to keep fit. I always tell people to take care of their bodies like a home because it is!

Social Wellness; An individual ought to have a sense of connection, belonging and a developed support system. Take note that no man is an island and we all need people one way or the other. Build on your social networks plus healthy, nurturing and supportive relationships. Make effort to stay in touch with these people and keep in positive circles.

Spiritual Wellness; This can be defined through various factors including religious faith, values, and morals. This kind of Wellness not only allows you to seek meaning and purpose for life but you learn to appreciate experiences for what they are. You are able to develop peace with your inner self and the outside world as a whole. Take time to meditate and read or listen to devotions of that particular faith which you believe in!

All the different features of Wellness contribute to the type of life you live and how well you want to live it. Choose which aspect to focus on this month and have yourself a Merry Wellness December.



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