February Monthly Review

Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2019

“Never forget your own worth.”


February was a month of hard labor. Or was it love of labor? Either way, I was very close to burnt-out. I would work all days of the week, including weekends.

They didn’t lie when they said that in entrepreneurship, you work more than you would in a regular job. It was strange to feel simultaneously that I had so much work to do, and that it didn’t feel too exhausting in the moment — because I was pouring all my heart and soul into this thing. Perhaps this is what happens you’re fueled by purpose.


Highlights from the past month

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this month?

To be honest, even though this review is only a little more than a week late at the time of writing this, I can’t pinpoint the exact accomplishment. If I had to guess, it would be realizing that people all over the world are doing and inspired by one month projects! Like Mimi’s project for becoming fully stacked as a developer and Jeremiah’s side project of tab tossers.

2. What was your peak experience this month?

February was a hard month — I really had to learn to take care of myself and remember to express gratitude. One of my peak experiences was looking at my self-care schedule as the sunlight was filtering in through the window blinds, and me feeling proud of all that I accomplished during the day.

3. What main challenge did you face this month?

It would definitely be comparing myself to others. I haven’t had such a strong feeling in so long when I came across someone who had a similar background and situation, and she managed to make so much progress in a shorter amount of time. I couldn’t help but envy how much ahead of me she was. I even started to regret my decisions in the past, especially traveling for most of last year.

Then I worked it out and realized that there’s nothing I’d wish to change in the past (and I couldn’t have even if I wanted to). And the more present I am right now, the less comparisons I make. After all, there’s so much to be grateful in this moment! ✨

4. What do you want to do less of and more of to balance your life?

For doing less: I want to do less of what I think I should do or what others tell me to do or the “best” strategies. Instead, I want to show up more authentically and do the things that are more true to me. If it’s not me to be super energetic, then so be it. If I prefer to write as a marketing channel, then so be it.

For doing more: I want to live in the moment more. Life is made up of each moment, and so living in the past or for the future is only wasting the preciousness of now away. So, how can I take the type of actions that’ll lead to more enjoyable moments? How can I savor this moment deeply?

5. What is your favorite discovery this month?

The amazingness that is weekly reviews. Is this super nerdy? 🤓Haha. I’ve been doing weekly ones on and off, and to be honest, it always felt like more of a chore or something I “had” to do or that it was “good” to do. After viewing it not as another great habit I should have, but rather as a time for me to reflect and organize my thoughts + schedule for next week, it’s been such an enjoyable activity. I don’t know how I didn’t do it before, it feels so cleansing.


things that have captured my interest

Books I read:

  • Designing your life (again!)
  • Style: lessons in clarity and grace (on and off)
  • 40 rules of love (on and off)

Articles I liked:

Productivity experiment

  • Finish 3 hours of deep work by noon
  • Stop working by 8pm

Quotes on careers

  • Learn to be happy with what you have while pursuing all that you want
  • Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try

Questions I’m pondering

  • Is Pinterest an investment that’s worth it?
  • What is long-distance love? 🤔

FEBRUARY HABIT PROJECT : 30 days of yoga 🌱

To be honest, I just finished (as of 3/10!). And I’m pretty proud, even teared up at the end a little bit when the ending music came on. I especially loved how this series were more scientific, so I could understand how the muscles were interacting and benefiting (rather than forever lying in corpse pose). I was also able to really sink in and enjoy the stretch or be aware of it, with my tight hamstrings and all. AND I’m so glad I tried to give yoga one last shot this month, after many attempts before and coming out from the class like SMH.


Intentions and goals for the upcoming month

The most important business priority is:

Take guest posting up a notch, and get started on my goals of getting published in big publications this year :)

The most important personal priority is:

Trying to make each moment as enjoyable as possible. Being, instead of rushing to a destination.

My March project is: reach out to one person every day! (also lowkey doing 30 days of gratitude).

This is the end of my monthly review for February, thanks so much for reading!



Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects

Designing life through monthly action plans. For how you you can get started on a side project, get the toolkit here: bit.ly/12sideprojects