Be Calm

Ganesa Vijayakumar
Life proposal
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2021
Elanjemboor — evening calm shot :)

Be calm and I’m 100% sure, everything will be alright very soon.

It can be anything, you may get a problem with your family relations, business, or any physical issues but those will not stay on the same stage for a long time so don’t worry.

Response to the situation instead of reacting:

When something happens, we need to be calm and respond to the situation and then give some time to change the situation favorable to us. which will happen for sure. even, you should believe that the problems pain will be reduced day by day and after some time it will be gone.

Don’t create a story about a person:

When something happens, as a human we will create a story about a person that we may not know the truth but we will guess something and then start creating stories about others because everything you create is based on the incident and you may not know what happened actually.

Don’t take any immediate actions:

As I mentioned above, we need to respond to the situation calmly instead of taking any immediate actions as if you take any actions during your bad time without thinking/analyzing which will be more painful to you for sure because it’s proven than the decisions taken while sad/anger failed most of the time.


Be calm. Life is about good and bad only so enjoy life during the good times and be calm and plan better during your bad time.

Have a Happy Life!




Ganesa Vijayakumar
Life proposal

I am a full stack coder. I’m very much interested in solving any technical problems and learning new interesting things and then blog about it to recall myself.