7 things you realize on your first trek — Kedarkantha

shikhar kanaskar
Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2022

shikhar kanaskar, Apurva Khatri and Snigdha Chaturvedi

1. You are more capable than you thought: Trekking to the summit of Kedarkantha is no easy feat. The trek involves hiking for several hours each day over rough terrain, carrying a heavy backpack, and enduring cold and potentially adverse weather conditions. But as you push yourself to keep going, you’ll realize that you are more capable than you thought. You’ll discover new levels of physical and mental strength that you never knew you had, and the sense of accomplishment you feel upon reaching the top is unparalleled.

2. The beauty of the natural world is breathtaking: Kedarkantha is home to some of the most stunning landscapes in India. As you trek through dense forests, cross crystal-clear streams, and climb to the top of snow-covered peaks, you’ll be in awe of the breathtaking beauty that surrounds you. You’ll see the world in a new way and develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

3. The power of teamwork: Trekking Kedarkantha is not something you can do alone. You’ll need to work with your team to overcome challenges and support each other along the way. Whether you’re helping each other set up camp, sharing supplies, or encouraging each other to keep going when the going gets tough, you’ll learn the value of teamwork and the importance of relying on others to achieve a common goal.

4. The importance of proper preparation: Proper preparation is key to a successful Kedarkantha trek. You’ll need to pack the right gear, train your body, and mentally prepare for the challenges ahead. This will help you stay safe and comfortable throughout the trek. Make sure to research the route and weather conditions, and consult with experienced trekkers or a reputable trekking company to ensure you have everything you need.

5. The value of being in the present moment: Trekking requires you to focus on the task at hand and stay present in the moment. You’ll need to let go of distractions and fully immerse yourself in the experience. This can be a powerful form of mindfulness that helps you connect with your surroundings and find peace and clarity.

6. The benefits of disconnecting from technology: Trekking can be an opportunity to unplug from the distractions of modern life and connect with nature. You’ll have limited access to technology on the trail, which can be a refreshing change of pace. You’ll learn to appreciate the simple pleasures of being away from screens and devices, and the benefits of spending time in nature.

7. The importance of self-care: Trekking can be physically and mentally demanding, so it’s important to take care of yourself along the way. This includes getting enough rest, eating nourishing food, staying hydrated, and protecting yourself from the elements. You’ll learn the value of self-care and how to prioritize your physical and mental well-being in order to sustain yourself through the trek.

