For the love of a child

Hilary Coombes
Life — the journey we all share
2 min readJul 24, 2015

This child is special. This child is five and this child has just reminded me what love is all about. I feel very humbled.

In my life I have a few very special people, people close to my heart and one of these is my five year old Grandson. Six months ago it had been planned that we would all spend a holiday together in Spain.

We were all very much looking forward to spending precious family time in the company of one another, but sometimes life decides to forge your path otherwise and in this case it was so. At the crucial moment a loved Uncle who had reached the end of his mortal life on this earth died and his elderly widow needed our love and support at this difficult time for she had no other living relatives.

My Grandson’s mother tried to gently break it to him that this year Grandma and Grandad couldn't spend the holiday with them because they had a very sick friend in England who needed them. His reaction was so unexpected and so very humbling.

When the many tears eventually subsided he cried that ‘He wouldn’t go to Spain this year. He didn’t want to go anymore and he was going to stay in the UK with Grandma and Grandad instead. He wanted to help them with the very sick friend.’

My lovely little Grandson meant it and I felt a lump in my throat when I heard of his words. To be so loved by a child is very special and teaches us so much. I know I am very blessed.

There is a little happiness at the end of this true tale for now all the trappings of a funeral and all the legal essential papers have been dealt with we are going to escape to Spain for a very short while to spend the last 3 days of my Grandson’s holiday with him.

We leave with the understand and blessing of my Aunt for she knows how important this is to many people and she also knows that we will be back soon to be with her.

So if you have little children around you don’t easily dismiss their feelings, and give them a chance to teach you as I have been taught that love can be found unexpectedly in many places.



Hilary Coombes
Life — the journey we all share

I write honest heart-hugging books about people, relationships and family life and when I’m not doing that I’m usually thinking about it.