Laugh! It’s children talking

Stop the world! Get off for a minute and laugh with my grandchildren (They keep me sane!)

Hilary Coombes
Life — the journey we all share
2 min readSep 30, 2017


Melissa (who is a little afraid of house flies) : “Grandma! Quick pass me the flip-flop! (she means fly swat).

Me : “Where’s the fly?”

Melissa : “It’s outside, but it might come in if I don’t wave the flip-flop around.”


Melissa is counting people around the breakfast table.

Melissa : “There’s two boys and two girls (right so far — Grandad and her brother. Melissa and I).

Me : “That’s right.”

Melissa : “So we’ve got three grownups and twelve children here.”


Eddie: “I bought my Daddy socks even though it’s a long time until his birthday.”

Me : “You certainly are prepared. Your Daddy’s birthday isn’t for five months.”

Eddie : “I know, but I’m going to give them to him early.”

Me : Why? It won’t be a surprise then.”

Eddie : “Grandma, life passes quickly so I’ve got to.”


Melissa : “I wish everyone in the world was made of pink custard.”

Grandad : “Why?”

Melissa : “Then we could lick everybody.”


Melissa : (wide eyed with biscuit crumbs around her mouth) “Who ate all the biscuits Grandma? Someone stole them!”

Me : “My goodness. Who on earth was it?”

Melissa : “It must have been that monster next door.”


Eddie (his Auntie had just had a baby): “Can you have a baby Uncle Grandad?”

Grandad. “Umm ….”


Melissa : “Grandma, can I have the biggest piece of cake please?”

Me : “Do you think that would be fair on Eddie?”

Melissa : “Yes, because this cake matches my hair.”


Eddie : “I’ve got a new hamster Grandma.”

Me : “That’s nice. Is he good?”

Eddie : “Mmn. He’s not as good as me.”

Me : “Oh. Why?”

Eddie : “He’s in my room in the day when I’m at school, but at night he’s got to go in the spare room.”

Me : “Oh dear. Why?”

Eddie : “Cos he’s so noisy, he goes round and round in his little wheel like crazy. He’s got so much energy.”

Me : “But, you’ve got a lot of energy too.”

Eddie : “It’s a different sort Grandma.”


Hope you enjoyed five minutes of laughter … if you’re in the mood for a little more humour try reading A PAPARAZZI MORNING here on Medium, or check out BEYOND PROMISES or HEN PARTY.

Whatever you do — SMILE, life’s too short to be unhappy for too long :-)



Hilary Coombes
Life — the journey we all share

I write honest heart-hugging books about people, relationships and family life and when I’m not doing that I’m usually thinking about it.