Zoe Olson
The iPad Artist
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2016


UPDATE: Tim Cook responded! I put his email on the bottom :)

Dear Tim Cook,

I am a simple 15-year-old who has loved to doodle for as long as she can remember. I adored my first generation iPad mini, so when the iPad Pro came out I decided I could use an upgrade. What an upgrade!!

I fell in love even before the Pencil arrived, and once it came I was hopeless, drowning in the magic of it all and never coming back.

It started to consume me, as I began to draw nonstop and became much better at it. (This seemed the obvious choice for there was no dragging me away from the thing.)

It didn’t take long for somebody online to notice these improvements and she asked me to illustrate her children’s book. I was ecstatic at this excuse to paint even more and took the job immediately.

Now I am finished, and the book will be published in a matter of months. It will be called “The Manners Pig” and I am the happiest girl in the world.

Before getting my hands on the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, I didn’t even know that I wanted to be a professional artist! Real paints were too messy and frustrating, and a Wacom Cintiq was too bulky and expensive for a career in art to be worth it to me. The iPad Pro has eliminated all excuses. It is the best of both worlds.

Here are the four main reasons why this is so.

1. It is light and portable

Being able to draw anywhere freed me to get out of the house and find inspiration. This enabled me to get the deed of illustrating 33 full color pictures done in just 2 months.

2. The Pencil design eliminates artists’ cramp

I’m not sure what kind of miracle was worked on this thing, I just know that with a normal pencil I get terrible aches after drawing for too long. The fact that I don’t with the Apple Pencil is a big deal, because it means that I can illustrate for hours without complaint.

3. Procreate is a dream

I’ve always hated photoshop’s design; it never worked for me as a creative workplace that I wanted to spend a lot of time in. Procreate has everything I need, where I need it, which lets my creativity work unhindered and without a second thought. I loved it on my iPad mini, and I love it x1000 on my iPad Pro.

4. It’s all-in-one

The iPad Pro has completely replaced both my laptop and my sketchbook. (And my canvases. And my paints. And my brushes. And my pencils. And my pens. AND good riddance!)

This may sound cheesy, but honesty is pouring from my soul when I say that the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil has changed my life for the better, and I don’t know where I’d be without them. Best purchase in the history of all purchases!!

Yours truly,

Zoe Olson

PS. All pictures within (except for the Procreate app logo) are made by me with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil on Procreate. If you are interested, check out my blog for more about making art on the iPad Pro: https://the-ipad-artist.com

You can also follow me on Pinterest , DeviantArt , and Twitter



Zoe Olson
The iPad Artist

Just a girl trying to figure out life and how to create things that matter. Currently designing and coding an animation app for the iPad.