Finding Beauty in the Broken: The Power of Kintsugi

Dreams and ambitions are integral parts of who we are. They give us purpose, drive and a sense of direction. But what happens when these dreams and ambitions are shattered, leaving us feeling lost and broken? This is where the Japanese practice of Kintsugi comes in.

Dr. Maheen Khaliq
Life Torch
3 min readJan 31, 2023


What is Kintsugi?

Kintsugi is an ancient Japanese art form that repairs broken pottery with gold, silver or other precious metals. The idea is to celebrate the cracks and breaks as part of the pottery's history and beauty rather than trying to hide them.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

How does Kintsugi apply to our lives?

In much the same way, we can apply the principles of Kintugi to our broken dreams and ambitions. Instead of trying to hide or ignore the cracks, we can embrace and celebrate them, turning them into something beautiful and meaningful.

Acknowledge the Pain:

The first step in the Kintsugi process is to acknowledge the pain and heartache caused by broken dreams and ambitions. It is important to take time to process the disappointment and loss rather than trying to ignore or suppress it.

Reframe the Experience:

Once we have acknowledged the pain, the next step is to reframe the experience. Instead of seeing broken dreams and ambitions as a failure, we can choose to see them as opportunities for growth and learning.

For example, let's say someone had a dream of becoming a professional athlete but was forced to retire due to injury. Instead of dwelling on the loss of that dream, they can choose to reframe their experience and focus on the skills and knowledge they gained during their time as an athlete, such as discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. They can then use these skills to pursue new and fulfilling opportunities.

Embrace the Cracks:

The next step is to embrace the cracks and celebrate them as part of our story. We can choose to see the challenges and difficulties as opportunities for growth and transformation, rather than as setbacks or failures.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Finding Gratitude:

Finding gratitude amid heartache can be challenging, but it is an important step in the Kintsugi process. We can choose to focus on the things we are grateful for, such as our health, relationships, and experiences. This shift in perspective can help to ease the pain and provide comfort during difficult times.

Create Something Beautiful:

Finally, the last step in the Kintsugi process is to create something beautiful from the broken pieces. It could mean finding a new dream or ambition or simply finding joy and purpose in the present moment.


The practice of Kintsugi teaches us to embrace our broken dreams and ambitions, to see them as opportunities for growth and transformation, and to turn them into something beautiful and meaningful. By following these steps, we can find peace and happiness amid heartache and turn our broken dreams into something truly beautiful.



Dr. Maheen Khaliq
Life Torch

As a healthcare expert with a passion for enhancing the mind and body, I strive to share my knowledge and create a positive impact through my writings.