
The Soul’s Embryonic State

On a mission of love never too late

Warren Brown
Life Torch
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2022


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The soul is always growing,
It is always becoming,
More of what it can be in life.

The soul is evolving every day,
Advancing in life in every way.
The embryonic state of the soul,
Starts developing in the womb.

A soul becomes so much more,
Over the years on the earthly plane.
A soul develops into one of power,
With every second of every day and hour.

Every soul is in its embryonic state,
On a mission of love, never too late.
The soul is enriched on its journey in life,
Being either a son, a daughter, friend, or wife.

The work of the soul is never done,
As it influences the lives of so many,
When it creates love, peace, and harmony.
How can the soul be in an embryonic state?

There is still more to do beyond this plane,
A life more spiritual to live yet again.
There is more love and…

