Life Poetry

What or Who is the Cornerstone of Your Life?

An essential part of life that makes everything work.

Warren Brown
Life Torch
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2024


There is a cornerstone in society,
That one simple thing that makes society work.
The family is the key element of modern society,
That makes everything in every country work.

When a building is erected, it stands tall.
It is firmly planted in its strong visible position.
The cornerstone is placed just above the foundation,
It completes the structure and enhances its position.

Who or what is the cornerstone of our life?
That one person or thing that is most essential.
The cornerstone gives meaning to your life.
It is present in failures, joys, sadness, and strife.

Love and work are an essential part of humanity.
The love of a family, the love of our country,
The love of our spouse completes a home and house.
The work we do fulfills our life and our destiny.

The cornerstone for every writer is that love for writing.
The love for breathing life into every creation.
The ability to test the limits of an endless imagination.
The literary cornerstone is fortified with every creation.

he foundations laid for a building to be constructed.
Photo by Scott Blake on Unsplash

